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Tuesday, September 11th, 2012

    Time Event
    Hey Gleeks! WMHS has been going strong for the last nine months and is looking to expand its talent base. If you are interested in writing with active, dedicated, funny and friendly people who love Glee and converse on aim, comment, participate in group chats & activities, group threads and scene regularly - well our game might just be the place for you.

    There are many popular characters wanted like: Artie Abrams, Joe Hart, Cooper Anderson, Newbies Kitty, Marley Rose, Wade "Unique" Adams, Jake Puckerman, Brody Weston, Chandler Kiehl, David Karofsky, Harmony Pearce, Cassandra July and The Warblers: Thad, David, Flint & Wes.

    We also want original characters with the faces of the Glee Project kids. Glee Project kids especially wanted are: Cameron Mitchell, Aylin Baramoglu, Michael Weisman, Marissa von Bleicken, Shanna Henderson, Nellie Veitenheimer, Emily Vasquez, Tyler Ford, Dani Shay, Charlie Lubeck, Abraham Lim & more.

    Interested? Click here. We would love to have you!
    Easy to join and integrate into!!!
    Stay eternal, and never say goodbye...

    You've heard stories of the man with a hook for a hand. You know him as Captain Hook. Bloodthirsty, greedy, and murderous, he's craved Peter Pan's head, along with the lives of the ragtag group of boys who swear allegiance to the Boy Who Never Grows Old.

    Peter Pan might spin you that tale. But what of Hook's side? He might call into question Peter's role in child-taking. Does Peter rescue those that are Lost? Or is he bringing them to Neverland to play a part in the game set between himself and Hook? Pawns ready to fight and die for the sake of never-ending life or something much darker.

    Which side will you play? Because things are never really as black and white as they seem.


    One Imaginary Boy Position Now Available! Choose from: Badger, Cobra, Falcon, Gazelle, Jaguar, Opossum, Owl, Raven, Scorpion, or Shark!

    Pirates, Natives, Mermaids, and Townspeople Positions Also Open!



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