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Friday, May 25th, 2012

    Time Event
    Magical Glee: Hp/Glee Fusion Future Game

    Have you ever wondered what your favorite Glee character would be like if they lived in the World of Harry Potter? Well, [info]magicalglee is your chance to find out. However, unlike other Harry Potter/Glee crossover games, we've taken the time to develop what the US Magical world would be like and how that would affect the Glee characters. What this means is, basically, Kurt Hummel is not the Boy Who Lived, Rachel Berry is no Hermione Granger and Sue Sylvester is not Voldemort. They are the Kurt Hummel, Sue Sylvester and Rachel Berry that you know and love from Glee, just with added magic! So come on by, take a look around the game, and then reimagine your chosen Glee character in this Magical setting.

    [info]magicalglee is a primarily social game, looking for writers interested in character development and interaction. There will be gamewide plots thrown in from time to time (such as body swaps, love potions, maybe even a Dark Wizard or two and, most excitingly, a brand-new Wizarding Broadway Show based on the lives of the Hogwarts Founders!) that will be developed with player input and suggestions. The game takes place in 2018, putting most of the Glee characters at 22-23 years old. We will be canon through Season 3, but there is a lot of wiggle room with characterization since no one expects 23 year old Quinn Fabray to be the exact same as her 17 year old counterpart.

    The game is in what we'll call Beta Test Mode, so we're also looking for players who would like to have input on shaping the game and the world it takes place in. As such, we are going to limit the initial involvement to 25 characters (with a cap of 7 original characters), with option for game growth down the line. Official game start was May 15th, but we promise that we're an easy game to slide into.

    Most Wanted: Finn, Blaine, Mike, Mercedes, and Artie

    [info]magicalgleemod | [info]magicalglee | [info]magicalgleeooc

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