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Monday, April 30th, 2012

    Time Event

    After several failed attempts to make a "laptop compyuter" run on magic rather than electricity, Committee on Experimental Charms and the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office decided to build from the ground up what would eventually become the prototype version of the tablet. With the tablets, wizards could still write normally as they had been for years, but with added features that were not present on the journal network -- the Internet.

    But with any new technology comes a new world of problems. Anyone can post anything they want online and the Daily Prophet and Witch Weekly are finding it hard to compete with these amateur journalists. Anyone and everyone can find a blog via a search engine, making privacy a thing of the past and putting jobs in danger if you've forgotten to ward. The speed and ease of Wiznet has attracted self-starters and hell raisers, professionals and new graduates, to use it for good, for evil, or for anonymous fun without a pesky thing like consequences... right?

    Welcome to the future of wizarding communications. Welcome to WizNet.|


    Washington Irving Academy



    There's a place that I call Sleepy Hollow...

    In February of 1864 the followers of the dark wizard Giles Kemmler brought war to America in an attempt to rise to power. That June the followers of Kemmler managed to break through the defenses of the Washington Irving Academy and invade. Much of the school was destroyed in the battle, not to mention the destruction to the wizarding population. It was rebuilt after the war, and renamed, in an attempt to create something lasting from the time or turmoil as a symbol of progress and hope.

    For the students of the WIA today, there doesn’t seem to be much of that progress anymore. The current headmistress is making life difficult for these kids, and seems to be out to eradicate all the joy of the high school experience. No groups larger than 8 can meet, no dances, and it looks like there are more awful changes on the horizon. Why would she do these things? Because it seems like it’s just for fun. The more insidious things are what worries some. Like who was she meeting so late at night? And why had those students gone missing? They are questions that some are still asking, and ones that probably should be answered soon...

    Most Wanted:
    Muggle haters, alternative lifestyles, Van Rippers, Athletes, Cheerleaders of all types, Pureblood fanatics, and all characters on the wanted page!


    The gods have not faded away, or been reborn. They are not in high school. They have not forgotten who they were. They remember, because they still exist.

    The Sumerians are still insular and superior, the Greeks still squabble amongst themselves more than they do with the other pantheons, and the Norse… well, with Loki on the loose and Ragnarok threatened, they have their hands full. How will they manage to coexist? How have they done so thus far? What happens when Anubis meets Hades? Or Thor challenges Nergal?

    Come help us continue the myths.

    Taken Characters, Pbs, & Holds || About DDC
    The Rules || Application|| Wanted List


    .i'll wait for you.

    In December 2010, it began. New York City was the epicenter and gods and mortals of bygone days were drawn there. Shadows of their former selves, not all remembered who they were and none knew that their lives had become playthings for Khaos.

    In March 2012, following who knows what manner of tug of war (because it is always, always a game), our gods and goddesses, our nymphs and our angels, our mortals and, yes, even our mythical animals were returned to New York City.

    They do say it's the city that never sleeps. It is only natural that the city's puppet-master never sleeps, either.

    You can try to break the cycle but whether you're Odin All-Father or Zeus Thunderer, whether you're a Queen of Hell or a Queen of Sparta, you will fail. Settle in, instead, and learn to roll with the punches.

    Applications open; 8th (23:59 EST) - 16th (23:59 EST) every month.

    Mythopoeics started in Dec. 2010 over at livejournal! For previous events, shenanigans and such please look over at our livejournal communities.

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