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Saturday, April 28th, 2012

    Time Event

    Over the years, the people of Stargate Command had discovered the powers of the Stargate through much trial and error. They finally believed they had mastered the power they sought. They were wrong. They had sent teams all over the world and universe who explored and discovered numerous secrets and surprises including the lost city of Atlantis.

    When the first unexplained people started to arrive they thought it was a simple malfunction; merely a fluke. Except the numbers continued to flood in and nothing they did could stop the arrivals. In time the American Government realised something must be done and a secure facility was built to keep the new arrivals imprisoned 'for their own safety'. Despite this, no one could deny no answer had been found about the origin of the new arrivals. They were all trapped. The conditions may have been good, but they were stripped of their liberty.

    They were Captured.

    Welcome to Captured a panfandom game set in the Stargate Universe.

    Premise Rules FAQ Wanted Holds Taken Application

    premise | rules | taken | holds | faq | wanted | apply

    Following the defeat of Lord Voldemort, the wizarding world came into a Golden Age. For 15 years the realm was filled with peace and invention. Even those who carried the burdens of the war began to heal as they saw the better world they were fighting for. It seemed that all was well.

    Except they were wrong. In the shadows where no one was looking something far more sinister than anyone could imagine was waiting. What is coming will make Grindelwald, You-Know-Who, and the wills of all those other monsters seem like child’s play.

    Endgame is a dark, post-Deathly Hallows game taking place in 2013, that will diverge from the epilogue canon in the books. The game will be plot driven with plenty of opportunities for character growth and will by its nature have a predetermined endpoint.

    Episode 01: Darkness Descends is playing in a theatre near you. Claim your ticket to the apocalypse today!

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