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Tuesday, April 10th, 2012

    Time Event

    In a world buried beneath the waves that cradle the island we’ve all known as Neverland in one form or another – The sisterhood of queens reigns with an iron fist. Or at the least, she did. Where there was once fiery hair to gleam beneath the waves in its bold rage, there is only now a stolen crown positioned atop the figurehead of the Jolly Roger.

    Queen Cellestia was stricken down and the time has come for the Mermaids to rise up and take back what rightfully belongs to them. But who will be so bold as to take on the vicious Captain? Who will be so cunning to lure a Pirate to his watery grave? And who will be so brave as to reclaim the crown and restore order to their underwater kingdom?

    Game created October, 2011 & Going Strong!
    Our Mermaid Guide has taken under much expansion and can be viewed here!


    The RPG


    Character Directory

    Most Needed Characters

    Charles Xavier
    Ororo Munroe
    Hank McCoy
    Raven Darkholme
    Mutants and Meta humans alike are being discovered. In order to help this new generation with powers unexpected, a school has been opened. Run by old friends, and new colleagues, it opens it's doors to students aged 16-23. It's a place they can learn to harness their new powers as well as finish their educations. Team work is of the utmost importance and may become a life saving tool in the future.

    A new take on Marvel, we offer the chance to play your favorite Marvel characters of any background together in a school setting! An even playing field and a new start, take your favorite characters from the very beginning and start them on their journey to hero or villain or anything in between! From the Avengers to the X Men, everyone has a chance to start fresh and make new friends. Teams haven't been made yet and so characters are able to join new teams, take a new direction.

    We offer a moderate to advanced writing experience with a minimum word count of 300 for threads. All Marvel characters are allowed and will be fit in as students or student aged characters. We also allow Original Characters to join on in as either student or teachers!

    GAME BEGINS April 20th. Join today>>>>>

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