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Wednesday, April 4th, 2012

    Time Event

    Asheville has been proclaimed to be a "New Age Mecca" as well as "the new freak capital of the US". Most people overlook these statements made by the media, because most of Asheville's residents live there because it was named one of the top seven places to live in the US, it's location in the mountains and surrounding areas is ideal, and life moves at a slower pace in the South.

    For many years supernatural creatures of all shapes, sizes and backgrounds had been migrating to this city in the Blue Ridge Mountains. None of them can quite put their finger on why they were drawn there, but there was a pull that they just couldn't ignore.

    Supernaturals were content to live alongside humans in quiet; swaying them to the light or dark side or simply being content to live in peace. But then things began to change.

    During the summer of 2010 a group of supernatural radicals decided that they were tired of hiding in the shadows, and they began an uprising. The uprising brought much attention to the supernatural community; at first just in Asheville, slowly the nation and then the world. People began looking at each other in a different light as they wondered if their neighbor, co-workers, teachers were supernaturals.

    Things only got bloodier the longer the uprising went on, and finally a meeting of all the supernatural leaders in the area was called. They decided it was for the best if they revealed themselves to the public, and try to live in peace as they'd done for many years prior. The public cried for justice over the human blood that had been spilt and the leaders were more than happy to oblige. The rebel leaders were publicly tried, and imprisoned for their crimes.

    Nearly two years have passed since the uprising, and while some humans have grown more comfortable with the idea of supernaturals mingling among them others are not so content with the change. The tension never fully did go away, and those who had begun the uprising hadn't intended for supernaturals to be content living among humans - they were supposed to rule them.

    With each day that passes some of the humans want stricter laws for supernaturals, and the supernaturals only want the same rights that normal humans have. Some supernaturals have decided to keep their identities secret, and others flaunt their powers in order to gain respect, or sometimes fear from the humans. Something is brewing underneath the city of Asheville, and only time will tell if it's good or bad.
    ||groups of supernaturals||rules||holds||species||application||dropbox||
    Game Opening April 6th!
    Absolution - a post-war Harry Potter RPG

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    available/taken | premise | rules | apply | character directory

    Absolution is a post-DH game, set in the 1998-1999 school year. It focuses on the rebuilding of the wizarding world through the eyes of the students of Hogwarts and how they deal with the rebuilding of their school and the memories of what happened the previous year. Muggleborns try to return to the lives they had a year before. The children of Voldemort's supporters try to deal with the new stigma that befell them. Those who fought at the Battle try to cope with what they experienced. And everyone tries to mourn their losses and move forward.

    Most Wanted: sixth years, "eighth" years, Ginny Weasley, Molly Carmichael, Cecilia Barbary, Seamus Finnigan, Hermione Granger, boys, Ravenclaws, Slytherins... and many more!


    A people who know the lands better than they know themselves, a tribe that can sense the way the island is feeling prior to knowing when it’s being placed under attack – and a fierce sense of pride that will send them demanding for the blood of any and all who threaten that balance. The Jamiroquai tribe has been in Neverland since its original creation. They have fought the town for the preservations of their territory, they have stood against the Fae in times of contention. A proud people, they are led by the young Chief Tiger Lily who rules with a confidence that mirrors that of the tribe.

    But what of the Princess’ new ruling which has placed the tribe closer to Hook’s pirates than ever before? What of the fact that she has placed them in a position that no longer keeps them in Hook’s shadow, but rather at his side? Surely there are questionable feelings on the matter – Not all can agree. Or rather, what of those who do agree, of those who will rise up against Pan’s boys and fight where they’ve been commanded?

    Whether the role of a Morning Dove suits you, or that of a Brave – The Tribe is ever expanding in their families, and training never ceases in the preparation for battle.

    Game created October, 2011 & Going Strong!
    Our Native Guide has taken under much expansion and can be viewed here!


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