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Monday, March 12th, 2012

    Time Event
    We are desperately in need of a few very important Gleeks for some really awesome story lines at the group psl, [info]wmhigh. Artie, Sugar(our Rory would flip for her), Joe Hart (come make all the ladies day!), Will Schuester, Warblers Thad, Flint, David, Chandler and Wes (we have Nick, Jeff, Trent & Sebastian), Shelby (Puck desperately wants her around) - you are all wanted immediately! These are roles that would provide a lot of fun for a dedicated writer. If Glee and role play interest you, I hope you will take a look at and join [info]wmhigh.

    Summary: In March 2012, following who knows what manner of tug of war (because it is always, always a game), our gods and goddesses, our nymphs and our angels, our mortals and, yes, even our mythical animals were returned to New York City.

    They do say it's the city that never sleeps. It is only natural that the city's puppet-master never sleeps, either.

    Details: Reserves open from the 9th to the 16th of every month!
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