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Saturday, February 25th, 2012

    Time Event
    We are desperately in need of a few very important Gleeks for some really awesome story lines at [info]wmhigh. Artie, Sugar(our Rory would flip for her), Joe Hart (come make all the ladies day!), Will Schuester, Cooper Anderson, Warblers Thad, Flint & Trent (we have Nick, Jeff & Sebastian), Shelby (Puck desperately wants her around) - you are all wanted immediately! These are roles that would provide a lot of fun for a dedicated writer. If Glee and role play interest you, I hope you will take a look at and join [info]wmhigh.

    A hundred years ago, supernaturals 'didn't exist'. They were figments of your imagination, things that went bump in the night and tall tales that you told your children. Not anymore. Some may have moved right next door to you. In Washington, DC., moving into an apartment with a new roommate might mean that you're sharing a living space with a werewolf. Or maybe your son's new kindergarten teacher is an elemental. Or that girl you have a crush on in Algebra just might already know because she's a telepath. Things are still a struggle when it comes to acceptance and not everyone is happy about the path that the world is taking towards equality.

    Where do you stand? Which side will you take?

    Wanted Characters

    Business owners, vampires, elementals, brothel workers, teenagers, musicians, police, firefighters, anti-supernatural people, 'evil' characters, older characters (30+), bartenders, bouncers, teachers, principals, members of the supernatural alliance organization, college students.


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    a next generation harry potter roleplaying game

    Remember that time your boyfriend broke up with you in front of the Great Hall and it was really public and his new girlfriend that he had been cheating on you with was right there, staring at you, and he told you that you weren't that good in bed to begin with and some second years started laughing at you and the whole thing was caught on tape by a fully-staffed camera crew?

    No? Well, this school year is kind of like that.


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