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Friday, February 3rd, 2012

    Time Event


    It's 2050, by now the wizarding world has gone through mass changes since the Second War ended. One of these changed came when former Minister Shaklebolt decided that the key to a peaceful future was knowledge. With knowledge came acceptance and progress to maintain a better world. In 2030 Eolas University came the first Wizarding University.

    It is up to this new generation to decide what to do with the knowledge, if they'll use it to follow their dreams, to help wizarding kind, or for their own personal benefit. Their grandparents made a mark on the world, now it's their turn.

    Most Wanted: MEN, siblings, anything on our wanted list and so much more!


    this is NOT the triwizard tournament
    Twenty-five years after the fateful Tournament, the political atmosphere in Britain and Europe had changed drastically. The threat of the Dark wizard known as Lord Voldemort had disappeared, and in the years following the triumph, governments arose that were much more focused on cooperation and tolerance among wizards and witches at home and internationally. In 2019, a contingent of people led by Second Wizarding War hero Harry Potter and Bulgarian Quidditch superstar Viktor Krum formed, eager to encourage the next generation to focus on others' similarities rather than their differences. Both leaders spoke eloquently of the lasting friendships they had made and the valuable lessons they had learned during the 1994 Triwizard Tournament. They advocated a replacement event for the student population.

    With the assistance of the International Association of Quidditch, three years later, the inaugural Junior International Quidditch Tournament is set to begin. Four Quidditch teams representing their schools will compete against each other in a series of matches throughout the academic year, with two finals at the end of the year to determine the overall winner. And alongside all the Quidditch fever that is sure to grip the castle, the typical difficulties of an academic year at Hogwarts must still be traversed: exams, friendships, romance, and antics. Can they handle the pressure?

    Feinted is a canon-compliant next-gen role-playing game set at Hogwarts during the school year 2022–2023. Opened 19 August.

    premise | faq | tournament | available | apply
    Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!

    An assassination attempt is imminent at the Heart Ball in Emerald City. Will you take the Wicked Wizard's side, or will you cheer his hopeful murderer on? Join our High Emerald Council Members (vampires), rogue vampires, Shifters, dwarfs, and humans --both enchanted and not-- in their adventure down the yellow brick road..


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