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Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

    Time Event
    The Violet Hour - A Post-Apocalyptic OC RPG

    T H E :: A N G E L S :: O F :: F I R E
    Not everything is as it seems among the rolling fields. The Angels are seeking different types to round out their ranks. Gardeners, herbalists, distillers, soldiers (Archangels), librarians, teachers and trade workers. Up to the challenge to rebuild the world?

    T H E :: A E S I R
    Eagle Nest is their playground, as far as they're concerned. The Aesir are seeking anyone tough enough to apply. Mechanics, marketplace vendors, guards, cage fighters, bouncers, bar workers and someone to run the cage fight gym.

    T H E :: L O S T :: G I R L S
    Who says that men run the world? If you're a woman with a desire to get by, this may be your place. These ladies are looking for a second-in-command, casino workers, marketplace vendors, guards, greenhouse workers, bartenders and girls to work the red light district.

    T H E :: N O B L E :: H E A R T S
    A passion for the arts sets them apart. Should you be passionate about theatre, you may be a Noble Heart. They are looking for stagehands, actors, singers, performers, lighting techs, set designers, costume shop workers, a chef, a gardener and some muscle.
    Premise | Rules | Taken and Held | Wanted | Application

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