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Thursday, January 19th, 2012

    Time Event

    A Modern Gods RPG

    There was once a world called Earth that had everything we had. The same geography, the same culture, the same wars and the same technology.. except there was one major difference. The gods and goddesses they worshiped were real. And before Christianity began they ruled their territories with great care or sometimes, with great indifference depending on their mood. They were powerful and worshiped by all... until one god wanted more. One god wanted all the power, wanted all the worship.

    So, this god got his way the only way he could: he started a heavenly war that resulted in the majority of the deities being banished to an entirely different dimension where their souls became stuck in mortal vessels of a modern, parallel Earth.

    As they awaken they seek a way to regain their power, their followers, and new places to make their kingdoms. Who will remain the same and who will take advantage of this new world? Only time will tell for these Modern Gods.

    Several gods and goddesses are still open for play! Modern OC mortals allowed to be played as well! Looking in particular for Odin, Thor, Zeus, Poseidon, Isis, Set, Demeter, and several others!



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