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Monday, December 26th, 2011

    Time Event

    Fame. It doesn’t last forever, but everyone is clamoring for their fifteen minutes of it. Whether you’re an actress or a Quidditch player, a publicist or a journalist, a socialite or a sycophant, the public eye is where you belong. You may have wanted this life, you may have been born into it, or it may have been an accident you wish you could take back. But no matter what you’re famous for or how many famous friends you have, the fact remains that your name is on everybody’s lips. And if it’s not yet, then it’s going to be.

    Sensationalists is a next gen post-warts game for every witch or wizard who has ever wanted to make it in the entertainment industry – those that might, those that have, those that haven’t, and those that manage them.

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