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Monday, September 19th, 2011

    Time Event
    Super Glee RPG

    Rules | Holds | Apply | Cast | Timeline
    Lima, Ohio used to be just another ordinary town. Then the government stepped in and turned Lima into a holding ground for people with unusual abilities. Thanks to a mind wipe, no one even remembers it happening.

    But that was before a lightning storm destroyed a statue that had kept unusual things from happening for 50 years. Suddenly, all the teenagers came down with a flu-type illness that lasted for weeks. When it stopped, everyone thought things had gone back to normal.

    Spoiler Alert: They were wrong.

    Now, strange things are happening. Kids are developing powers that they thought were only in comic books. Flying, telekinesis, weather manipulation...Lima is seeing it all, and the members of New Directions and their friends are right in the middle of it all. The question is: what side will they choose?

    MOST WANTED: Azimio Adams, Strando, OC's (specifically jocks, cheerios and jazz band), and the Warblers*

    Game Started August 24th!
    Major Plot Began Sept 17th

    *There is a contingency plan in place if we get several Warblers in order to give them the maximum amount of interaction with McKinley kids.

    Art done by Miggy, for her fic Special, an unaffiliated Glee super power fanfic. Art used with permission.

    P O T E N T E S


    Potentes is an original character game hosted on Invisionfree and set in modern day London. The game focuses on special abilities and the idea of what would happen if average people developed superpowers. It is a relaxed pace adult game that incorporates both game wide and player driven plots.


    Premise | Rules | Cast | Application
    Superpowers | Taken/Held PBs | F.A.Q | Wanted


    It's 2050, by now the wizarding world has gone through mass changes since the Second War ended. Deaths, births, the rise of a new generation, changes for a better world. The only thing that the wizarding world struggled with was a small uprising started by the children of former Death Eaters. Thankfully, it only took one year to quash it, and luckily only a small number of causalities came from it. In the end the nine members of the uprising were caught, and sentenced for their crimes against the wizarding world. Since then everything started to progress again and over time the wizarding world became slightly more dependent on the muggle world, and with that came change and adaptation. One of these changed came when former Minister Shaklebolt decided that the key to a peaceful future was knowledge. With knowledge came acceptance and progress to maintain a better world. In 2030 Eolas University came the first Wizarding University. Modeled after muggle universities across Britain and Ireland the goal was to educate young witches and wizards preparing them for their career of choices. Everything from Geffory Buttermere College of Medicine, the MacTavish College of Law Enforcement, Goodfellow College of Magical Law, to degrees offered in Magical Zoology, Muggle Studies, a wide array of degrees available for every kind of field in the wizarding world.

    It is up to this new generation to decide what to do with the knowledge, if they'll use it to follow their dreams, to help wizarding kind, or for their own personal benefit. Their grandparents made a mark on the world, now it's their turn.

    Most Wanted:Fun and Active Players, Loads of Characters Available!


    In 2010, the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office of the Ministry of Magic finally granted permission for the next wave of muggle electronics -- the television -- to be studied and modified with magic. Ten years later, there was a telly in the home of every witch and wizard with programming ranging from goblin talk shows to galleon game shows to dramas, comedies, music videos, and even movies. More recently, 2021 saw the advent of reality shows, like The Fashion Show and Love Potion No. 9.

    Get Real! was conceived by Maximus Trimble and Rhonda Roads as a way to appeal to the teenage demographic as well as pull in an older crowd on the strength of nostalgia. It's a reality TV show all about the life of the "average" Hogwarts student and the drama, laughs, and loves that blossom between them.

    Season 1 begins filming this school year. By proxy of returning to school this year all students and parents have given their permission to be featured and/or mentioned on the programme. And if certain liberties happen to be taken with the presentation of the footage, well... that's just show business!

    * * *

    Prescripted is a social next gen game based on the premise "what if a reality show were being filmed at Hogwarts?" It's The Office meets Harry Potter. Cameras and microphones are not allowed in the bathrooms, locker rooms, or any of the dormitories, but anywhere else on the school grounds is fair game. Just because you can't see them doesn't mean the cameras aren't rolling...

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