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Wednesday, August 31st, 2011

    Time Event

    After the downfall of Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters, a new feeling of patriotism among the Wizarding World encouraged plenty of citizens to want to police their world. This caused an influx of employees in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, as more and more people were interested in being Aurors and Hit Wizards. Difference in opinions caused different political groups to emerge, causing the Ministry of Magic to have many more government officials than at once was necessary. With most people focused on the DMLE, less and less people were interested in other career paths.

    The Department of Education was created after several years, in order to work with Hogwarts and create a system which would help students choose their career paths. With the redesign of the study programs, the aim was to train students for occupations in other areas, and give them a background to launch them their prospective careers. Hogwarts has successfully implemented this program for the past five years, and continues to show students the various career paths they are able to focus their attention on. As a requirement for graduation now, students are required to choose a path, regardless of whether or not they continue that path after Hogwarts.


    The Postludes is a social, next generation Harry Potter game, focusing on the students and their lives at Hogwarts. With events planned throughout the year, we promise an active game!

    Rules | FAQs | Families | Holds | Taken | Taken PBs
    Wanted/Unwanted | Career Paths | Social Stereotypes | Application

    Game opens on September 1st!

    Hogwarts Carefree
    A Next Generation Community

    Premise | Rules |Characters | Apply

    A new generation has come to Hogwarts filled with students who are full of life, ready to figure out who they are.
    This game is for writers who want to develop an original Harry Potter character! The game allows you to develop your character through interaction not through your own character development journal. You can see exactly how your character would interact to various situations as they come to life in your brain. We want to write and have fun, while developing new characters. The application process exists not so we can pick your character apart, but so that you have the opportunity to outline who you see your character to be while giving the voting staff the chance to ask you questions that will help to develop your character.

    Players are expected to be able to create their own plot ideas and any and all ideas from players are welcome. However, we do provide weekly challenges for those all too common writing blocks. We hope to see you soon!

    Most wanted:
    Albus Potter, Rose Weasley, and Slytherins, along with original 1st years, 6th years, and 7th years
    X-Project: An X-Men Movieverse RPG on Livejournal



    Taste The Rainbow

    I know I’ve been a bit of a brat, but believe me, people can change! I’ve had time to grow up and appreciate the joy of having a player. Especially with my powers only half-developed - there’s still so much more for me to learn! And not just about my powers; there’s whole facets of my personality that haven’t been touched on yet! So if you’d like to try your hand at the quintessential New Age mutant lesbian, here I am!

    X-Project is an X-Men movieverse RPG on Livejournal. Set after X2, we've been running since May 2003 and use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and while we accept new characters we strongly encourage people to adopt one of our orphans.

    Check out the Wiki and the advertising community to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

    Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us

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