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Saturday, February 19th, 2011

    Time Event
    Welcome to Silent Night
    June 2006 - catastrophe strikes. The world's been quiet for so long - Voldemort is gone and gone for good. Life was moving on, people settling down and having families. Then one day - a dozen people fall ill. A week later over three hundred are sick and the first dozen are dying. Six months later a large chunk of both wizarding and muggle populations are dead, the few that survive in London and Scotland are banding together.

    A healer discovers the cure - unicorn blood, basilisk venom and some other mundane items - but she can't bring herself to kill any more unicorns than necessary. Soon after she creates the antidote, she kills herself in shame and the Ministry, the surviving members anyways, ban the slaughter of the unicorn. Unicorns - who can bring themselves to kill one? Especially now that the Ministry has banned it. Not even the coldest hearted Death Eater could take the life of such an innocent creature.

    People are asked to gather at Hogwarts and in Hogsmeade where wards are set up to protect people from the Virus. People don't like it, but the few who try to leave - fall ill and with only a tiny store of antidote left - they die. The threat is real. The Virus is outside the gates of the Town and people are asked to find a mate, and try to salvage life. Are there other surivors somewhere in the vast world, or are the 46 left it? Is there a permanent cure for this virus or do you have to kill a Unicorn to survive? Or will the children of the surivors be born with immunity? Only time will tell - and now it's in your hands.

    Welcome to Nocte Silenti - we enter the world in February of 2007,
    when the Marriage Decree has been sent out.

    Who will you choose?
    X-Project - An X-Men Movieverse RPG on Livejournal


    Coming To X-Project in February

    The Grotesque and the Sublime: A possible lead into the Alpha Flight massacre sends a team of X-Men to Madripoor and into the middle of a mutant gang war!

    Starring: Garrison Kane as Dominion; Jean Grey-Summers as Phoenix; Hank McCoy as Beast; Bobby Drake as Iceman; Angelica Jones as Firestar and Yvette Petrovic as Penance.

    Also Starring: Tim "Dum-Dum" Dugan.

    X-Project is an X-Men movieverse RPG on Livejournal. Set after X2, the game has been running since May 5, 2003 and uses a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. The game would prefer applicants to consider available NPCs and socks, but applications for new/previously unplayed characters will be considered, especially if they're students under 17. To help give you an idea of each character's history, a series of "cards" for each available character/NPC is available and, from there, applicants can easily reach the character's wiki page.

    Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

    Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us


    The Collectors

    The World
    Available Characters
    Current Cast
    Wanted Characters

    Most Needed Characters

    Albus Dumbledore
    Ron Weasley
    Remus Lupin
    Daphne Greengrass
    Blaise Zabini
    Ted Tonks
    Salazar Slytherin
    Helena Ravenclaw
    Death Eaters
    Next Gen Children

    And More!

    Time and space are ultimate dividing forces that separate generations of witches and wizards, but soon that divide will be breached. There have been cracks before, but one wizard will wrench it open completely. Named the Collector, he sits in his own empty world that he controls and manipulates as he desires. However, there is an issue. It is empty, yet this will not last. No, the Collector shall soon start gathering his toys to fill the gaps. Through various points in human history, he is taking who he wishes. His motivations may be unclear, but somehow each of his toys will serve a purpose for his plans.

    Once each of these ‘toys’ are collected, they will be confronted by the realities of their situation. Information of their future lives will greet a large majority of his subjects, and then, they must cope. They cannot leave and, will instead, have to adapt. However, adapting is not simple for their situation will not remain constant. The Collector will not just leave his toys alone, but will play with them as he desires.

    Life in the Collector's Domain will keep transforming. One moment the place will appear like a desert, then a coastal town, and then, a tropical rainforest. However, all the while, the people cannot leave until He demands it. They will experience various trials and tribulations, some that seem almost playful (from the outsider), and others, much more sinister.

    So, what will you do when the Collector calls on you? As one of his toys, how will you survive? How will you react when you have no information about your situation, except for a small note in a journal that falls from the sky and what you can learn from those who are suffering through the same thing?

    Welcome to the Collectors!

    GAME OPENED JANUARY 29TH. Join today>>>>>

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