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Friday, December 31st, 2010

    Time Event

    After the near destruction of Hogwarts in the summer of 1998, several changes were decided upon during its reconstruction. Hogwarts had always been a great place for learning, but lacked what some of the other magical schools had: a well-rounded education that focused on more than just magical mastery. With a helping hand from the newly established Ministry, several elective clubs and activities were created and formed to encourage expanded learning.

    These changes have evolved over the years, slightly changing as professors came and went at the school, but never quite disappearing. In fact, Hogwarts has become very event-oriented and is now hailed as a hands-on teaching school.

    There is still some harsh criticism from certain media outlets and former Hogwarts students that remember how the school used to be run. In fact, some would call the need to implement art as something required for learning to be quite piffling.


    Piffled is a game set in the school year 2022-2023, focusing on students from 5th to 7th year. An event oriented game, students are encouraged to participate in as many clubs, school activities, and events as possible. As a reminder, all students are required to take one fine art elective "club" to keep up with Ministry requirements.



    Naked Quidditch

    The RPG

    Character Directory

    Most Needed Characters

    Quidditch Players

    Ginny Weasley

    Oliver Wood

    Harry Potter

    Hermione Granger

    Falmouth Falcons Players

    Pride of Portree Players

    Gweong Jones
    Former Slytherins

    Weird Sisters
    It’s well known that the Harpies are the most philanthropic team in the United Kingdom and Ireland league. It all started out as a simple argument between Captain Roger Davies of the Pride of Portree and Captain Gwenog Jones of the Holyhead Harpies one night in a pub. But then came an unwise comment from Davies about how the men could earn more fund-raising with less effort, and still beat the all women team to escalate the Welsh’s woman’s temper.

    And a challenge was made. On behalf of all the men in the league, Roger Davies made a bet that in one Quidditch season, the men would earn more money fund-raising than the women, and would still beat the Holyhead Harpies for the Quidditch League Cup. If Davies's bet fails, the Holyhead Harpies get to handpick seven of the male Quidditch players in the league to play against and beat. And the men would have to be naked. But if the men won, they get to play the Harpies and the ladies will be the ones taking it off.

    So what have the men decided on their fund-raising? Naked Quidditch. Inspired by the consequences of the bet, it was decided that the best men in the league would be judged picked to design a calendar. Witch Weekly Magazine jumped at the chance to sponsor the fundraiser, providing the judges, locations, equipment and photographers free of charge. Just as long as they got full access to all the fresh scoops and gossip.

    2006 is a big year for Quidditch. It is the second World Cup to be held since the Great War against the Dark Lord. This time the host country is France, and it will be held in Paris. The new stadium is being built, and players from all over the world are coming to train and practice. The Country’s teams are being formed: the best of the best to represent their countries and take home Quidditch Glory on the World Stage.

    But there is something threatening the peace of the Wizarding World. Lately the Ministry have been receiving complaints from store merchants in Knockturn Alley of break ins and graffiti defacing their places of business and how the Aurors have not done much to stop it. The one connection between all these incidents are that the victims are former Slytherins who may or may not have had affiliations to Death Eaters in the past. The incidents have not been widely published to diminish any panic. But the vandalism have been increasing, and the graffiti growing severe. The most recent scrawl saying, Snakes must die.
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