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Wednesday, October 27th, 2010

    Time Event

    September 27 the year of Our Lord 1510

          The seat of Saint Peter has not been an easy one to occupy since my ascension from Cardinal of Italy to Holy Father. I have seen the rise of three coronations, making boys – Kings. The Kings of Europe are strong in power and strong in wealth but weak in spirituality. Their courts are full of scandal, debauchery, betrayal and immorality. The King of France has dozens of illegitimate children, the King of England is a hidden opponent of the True Faith and it’s said he has pagan witches that do his bidding, the only King that is faithful to Rome is the Spanish King but he is a blood thirsty King. I am the Vicar of Christ, Lord, in His name give me the wisdom to guide these kings and keep them from dismantling themselves and their realms.

    Pope Julius II

    Game Setting - Drop Box - Rules and Guidelines - Held List/Taken List
    Cast of Characters - French Court - English Court - Spanish Court - Application
    Use of Communities - Resources - Credits

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