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Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

    Time Event

    Imagine a place where the things that go bump in the night have a face.
    Imagine a place were the dead walk among us.
    Imagine a place where there is no escape.

    Bedlam Island is that place.

    Home of the once world renowned Belverdere Asylum, Bedlam Island has long since been abandoned. A nasty incident at the asylum was to blame, an incident many claimed could have been avoided. Years later, a group have been brought to the island by a mysterious woman who calls herself Nurse Belverdere. The reason? She wants to rehabilitate them and ‘cure’ them.

    However her methods are quite unorthodox. Can the people survive? Will they learn the truth behind the asylum’s terrible past? There’s only one way to find out....


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    Bedlam Island is a multifandom and original character horror forum rpg. This game is for players seventeen and over as it contains dark subject matter and adult theme. We are a friendly game with a good cast that has just started and we welcome all roleplayers, from the experienced to the beginners. For those not familiar with forum games, the mod is more than willing to help out. Check us out!

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    Oh Marvelous: A Marvel Universe Game
    every misdeed has a motive

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    A Post-Warts, Non Deathly Hallows Compliant Game

    By the spring of 1999 the Trio had collected and destroyed all six of the Horcruxes and they set out to find the Dark Lord hoping to end it once and for all. At the climax of the duel, Harry gained the upper hand and Voldemort, knowing he had seconds left, used his last lifeline: a time turner. With the fall of their Lord, the Death Eaters abandoned the battle and it appeared to the wizarding world that their greatest enemy had been defeated. Unknown to them, the time turner had brought Voldemort into 2002 where he was already gathering his followers and one more Horcrux still remained. Voldemort had unknowingly created another when he had killed Harry's parents and attempted to kill Harry. The newly shattered part of his soul was transferred into the infant when the Dark Lord cast the killing curse.

    The New Year of 2003 would be marked with tragedy. The Dark Lord would announce his return at the Ministry’s Annual New Year’s Ball where innocents were attacked and dozens were slaughtered. In the aftermath of the battle, accusatory eyes turned to the once celebrated hero; Harry Potter. Overnight the news spread and people began to feel again the terror that had yet to fade completely. Over the next few months the Ministry worked around the clock to assure the people that this time wouldn’t be like the last; this time they should place their trust with the government and not in the hands of an adolescent hero. The Ministry’s demeanor became one of confidence. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named had struck out twice already and this time the situation would be handled properly. Voldemort had other plans.

    On May 23rd the Ministry of Magic fell. Trust and security was shattered when Voldemort and his army entered the Ministry building, having been given access from within. Death Eaters and dark creatures alike swarmed through the structure, destroying everything in their path; among the dead was found every member of the Wizengamot including the Minister of Magic himself. Once and for all the Dark Lord proved what he was capable of.

    With their Headquarters in ruins, the Ministry has been forced to relocate and is scrambling to come to terms with their losses and what it meant for the future. Wizarding Britain looks to the future with little hope while the Trio desperately search for the missing piece, knowing that if the Dark Lord had returned that their mission had not yet been completed. Another Horcrux must still be in existence and destroying it is the only way to ensure their liberation.

    More information here.

    Game Opens Friday, July 23rd

    the colony: a post-apocalyptic rpg

    In 2009, the world experienced a global outbreak of a new strain of influenza A/virus subtype H1N1, referred to as novel H1N1 and first identified in April. It was commonly known as swine flu in North America and Mexican Flu in Europe. Deaths were reported worldwide, and concern that the virus would progress and become worse escalated as the death toll rose.

    In November 2009, the Netherlands developed the first medicinal treatment for victims of the virus. When it appeared to cure the symptoms, mass production of the drug was ordered just in time for distribution for the seasonal flu season. Within weeks of deployment, reports of returned symptoms hit the media.

    People fled in mass exodus from the cities in an attempt to escape its reach, either to government-run evacuation sites or places of their own choosing, but by then it was too late. Instead of treating the virus, the drug attacked the body, allowing the virus to adapt and become a new strain of supervirus not even the original vaccine could prevent. It spread worldwide in a matter of days, with no amount of damage control stopping it. Only one in every five hundred survived.

    By April 2010, one year after H1N1's first reported case and a mere five months after the medicine was distributed, the world went silent. With the power grid shut down, there was no way to know for certain who was alive. Those naturally immune to the virus who survived suffered famine, further disease, and the violent tendencies of others out for themselves. There was one bright spot in the west, though: Las Vegas. There a group of survivors found each other and started to rebuild their world.

    But then the lights go out. At the mercy of territorial gangs and brutal desert weather, they leave and settle in Oregon, but the dangers of Vegas were only the beginning. From lone wanderers, they hear rumors of breeding camps and slave traders. Worst of all are the whispers about the Sevens. People are no longer fighting for survival, they’re fighting for control. Whoever wins out will redefine civilization forever. The group from Las Vegas must join the fray or risk annihilation. The end of the world didn’t kill them, but rebuilding it just might.

    The Colony is a post-apocalyptical neo-western that takes place in Grants Pass, Oregon in an alternate timeline where Swine Flu mutates and kills most of the world population. We cover all styles of storylines, but are primarily on the dark end of the spectrum. Please read our FAQ and Rules for more information.


    The year is 2023 and Hogwarts’ first year under the reign of its new, tyrannical Headmaster, Tiberius Odgen, has come and gone. Students are free to enjoy their hard-earned summer beyond the reach of their stern faculty and archaic standards of conduct, no longer victims of dictations regarding everything from the volume of their laughter to the proximity they must maintain from the lakeshore (and members of the opposite sex!). The older students leaving their seventh years behind them enjoy this time with a sense of nostalgia and excitement as they prepare to enter the next phase of adulthood; some seeking employment and others leaning toward the option of tertiary education. Yes, slowly but surely, the Wizarding World has come to mirror its Muggle counterpart by founding Wizarding Universities, with Britain’s two establishments located in Scotland and England promising to turn determined academics into the kings and queens of tomorrow.

    But summer will only last so long. For all the younger kids, from fifth year to seventh, it’s only a matter of time before Hogwarts’ classrooms are filled with new sets of teenagers bombarded with rules and regulations, and a cross, ex-Hit Wizard Headmaster, who does not tolerate any kind of folly.

    Will your student follow the rules or say Bugger All! to them?



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