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Saturday, November 14th, 2009

    Time Event
    We Are All Family Here!

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    Family. Everyone wants one, but not everyone wants the one they have. Some are born alone in the world, some loose what semblance of a family they have through divorce, death, or distance. But not all families are blood relatives. The most curious types of families that come together because of a common attitude, interest, or goals. They find each other because they need the comforts of family and an ideal that will stick them together when other families would crumble apart. The loyalty and devotion to this new family entity becomes so strong in these cases that outsiders don’t quite understand what’s really going on.

    After seeing the world around him reject him for what he was, Samuel looked for others like him, others who knew what it was like to be an outcast but no longer wanted that lifestyle for themselves. The family came first, and then the carnival was created so they could live, work, and thrive together. The carnival gave them a way to show off what others found horrifying – their abilities. It isn’t all fun and games though at the carnival – there is hard work and everyone has to do their part, but when you’re family, you do things for others that you might not do on your own.

    A commitment to this carnival is a commitment to being in the family. It isn’t always easy to join the family, but it’s even harder to leave. Most never want to though, who would give up the chance of a lifetime – to be wanted, needed even, and be able to truly be themselves?

    Lost Redux
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    Oceanic Airlines Flight 815 just crashed on an unmapped island.
    Half the passengers and crew are dead or badly wounded.
    And the worse yet... they're not alone.
    Start the adventure from day 1.

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