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Sunday, August 9th, 2009

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    Hex and the City

    Hexed City [main]

    Eeylop's Owl Emporium [owl post]

    The Leaky [OOC]

    Scribbulus [media]

    2029! Next-gen. Fun. Nightlife. Magic. Downtown. Sex. Spells. Friends. Pubs. Quidditch. Family. London. Wands. Love. Firewhiskey. The Daily Prophet. Secrets. Owls. Diagon Alley. Beginnings. Endings. Conversation. Adulthood. Hexes. Charms. Careers. Relationships. Children. The Ministry. Marriage. Knockturn Alley. Alumni. Networking. Lust. Cosmopolitans. Sexuality. Growing. Shopping. Rebuilding. Change. Learning. Buying. Selling. Owning. Amortentia. Familiars. Parties. Siblings. Status. Politics. Money. Adventure. Choices. Socializing. Bonding. Mischief. Life!

    Hex and the City takes a more intimate look into the lives of 2029's twenty somethings who inhabit Diagon Alley and the surrounding areas of Wizarding London. The community will focus on character development with some added twists and turns through various plot arcs aimed toward group participation, gossip posts, an interactive world [with characters contributing to the Daily Prophet, other publications and classified ads as well as having the opportunity to create/own their own businesses] and plenty of new places along the parallel Alleys to keep even the most restless wizard entertained.

    Making magic in the city
    since July 6th!
    ::Rules::Application::Character List::Wanted Characters::Holds::Housing::
    Mundus District, located in the city of London.....Ontario.
    Odd and strange things have been happening in the district. Its been receiving new tennents...they just don't know it yet.

    All over the world, people have been falling asleep in their homes, only to wake up in a new apartment, on a street they don't recognize.

    No one seems to know why, but who would really care? London is a wonderful place, just off of Lake Huron. The rooms have everything they need, and the city is full of fun and interesting things to do.

    Bars, casinos, fine dining, ample employment....what will you do with your stay in Mundus District?

    [info]rentman, an apartment-based game, set in Brooklyn, NY, since December 2008.

    THE PANFANDOM; A man named Ælia who runs an organization with a megalomania streak, deciding that he would like to have worlds run as he sees fit from his Castle Oephon. It's unknown to how many he's been to or how people have been affected, but it has been drastic.

    There seems to be some strange re-occurring pattern of the organization coming up in each person's world, changing the way things should have gone, changing events and trying to make everything as he sees fit..

    Certified Panfandom: This game allows characters to meet one another in their own world, in the world of Oephon or explore places on their own. Th central plot is set out by the moderators but the individual plots are encouraged! At this game there is also challenges that your character can face, please join us!

    An AU Next-Gen Harry Potter Game

    The year is 2031, things have been peaceful. It's been decades since the world has seen true terror. There have been small problems but nothing that shook the Wizarding World the way the Dark Lord had done. As the world moves on, kids grow up, leave school and start there own lives. Nothing seems to be going wrong, no one is focusing on much past there own lives.

    That's until June 5th, 2031. The quiet Friday morning was rudely taken away as Diagon Alley crumbled, the entire area pulled down into the earth, by noon that day all that was left were the ruins of what used to be one of the center pieces for the Wizarding World. The only building still standing is Gringotts. The Minster, Patrick O'leary informed the public that the attack indeed wasn't attack, but merely an earth quake.

    That was a lie. It was in fact it was someone else that crashed Diagon Alley into the ground. Hundreds died, more were wounded. As everyone thought it was just a terrible tragedy, it was when the Minister died, by what most knew was old age, however there were the few conspiracy theories tossed around. As Carslie MacDougal became the Minister, those that opposed him in Scotland threatened to pull away from the Ministry and create there own governing country. It was the day that one of the leaders of the Scottish rebellion was murdered in Hogsmeade by witnesses, that Minister MacDougal showed his true colors. Anyone who spoke against the Minster was to be arrested.

    While in some cases the Quidditch League still carried on, there were still jobs to be had, Diagon Alley was to be re-built, the peaceful world that had once been was gone. The laws were strict, those the were in search of power sided with the Minister, while those against slowly started to form secret groups. The meeting places had to move all the time.

    Which side do you fall under?

    The Ministry? -- The Rebellion? -- Perhaps you'll stay out of it, live your life as nothing has happened.

    Careful, there are deaths all around, not by blood, or status, but by whatever the Minister so decides.

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