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Tuesday, May 19th, 2009

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    The Anytime AwardsKentwood High School in Chicago
    For years upon years they have lived among us, but have you even bothered to notice? You may have cast off their little oddities as just that - oddities, but what if it had been something more? What if it was because of something that had happened in one of their past lives? And what if it had happened to you?
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    Inquisition HQ
    Day Watch HQ
    Night Watch HQ
    O T H E R S . They walk among us, OBSERVING.
    In the beginning, there were only the humans, and, amongst them, a cursed woman. She was a good woman, pure and kind, but wherever she went, misfortune followed her. Whenever she lit a candle, it went out. If she petted a puppy, it died. If she fed a bird from her hand, the bird would fall from it, dead. Children died in the houses she visited, and the power of her curse opened a Vortext of Damnation around her. With it came the first forces of Darkness. Warriors of the Light rose up to fight the darkness, and thus began the battle between the Light and the Dark.
    All because one human cursed another.
    The battle raged on for centuries, neither side every truly winning. The two sides came to a standstill, and ended up forging a truce. Thus was the Great Treaty formed, and the Inquisition to uphold it. The Light formed the Night Watch to watch over the Dark, and the Dark formed the Day Watch to watch over the Light.
    Thus has it been, and thus shall it always be.
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    The Alteration: A Dark Next Generation HPRPG

    The Alteration:
    A Dark, Non-Epilogue Compliant Next-Gen Hogwarts Roleplay

    Sometime between the fall of the Dark Lord and nineteen years later, something went horribly wrong...

    With OWLS just finished and new Ministry decrees coming out, the Order is getting more active, and the New Death Eaters are struggling to squash the opposition...

    click here for more information
    Sickleshire: Harry Potter AU


    Lord Voldemort attempted to attack Godric's Hollow to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled; but, when the Order was tipped off about his plan, they were able to warn the Potters before Lord Voldemort could get to them. Instead, Lord Voldemort found himself face to face with Albus Dumbledore when he arrived at the village. Lord Voldemort, refusing to lose, lashed out with a violent curse that severely wounded both himself and Dumbledore. But when the attack did not kill the older wizard, the weakened Dark Lord ordered a mysterious lurker to finish off Dumbledore.

    With Albus Dumbledore gone, the Wizarding World waited with baited breath for Lord Voldemort to rise to power. Months passed and there was no sign of the Dark Lord's return. Rumors of his death spread like a wildfire and many attempted to gain back what they had lost to fear. Only the Order of the Phoenix remained suspicious and vigilant.
    Many have started to regain the lost normalcy in their lives. Nevertheless, unbeknownst to the peace-seeking Wizarding World, a devious plot has been set into motion; one that will tear down the foundation of Wizardry and bring about the second war.

    The game begins in May 1983.
    OPENED 11 MAY 2009
    Small but growing!
    An AU Next-Gen Harry Potter Game

    The year is 2030, things have been peaceful. It's been decades since the world has seen true terror. There have been small problems but nothing that shook the Wizarding World the way the Dark Lord had done. As the world moves on, kids grow up, leave school and start there own lives. Nothing seems to be going wrong, no one is focusing on much past there own lives.

    That's until June 5th, 2030. The quiet Friday morning was rudely taken away as Diagon Alley crumbled, the entire area pulled down into the earth, by noon that day all that was left were the ruins of what used to be one of the center pieces for the Wizarding World. The only building still standing is Gringotts. The Minster, Patrick O'leary informed the public that the attack indeed wasn't attack, but merely an earth quake.

    That was a lie. It was in fact it was someone else that crashed Diagon Alley into the ground. Hundreds died, more were wounded. As everyone thought it was just a terrible tragedy, it was when the Minister died, by what most knew was old age, however there were the few conspiracy theories tossed around. As Carslie MacDougal became the Minister, those that opposed him in Scotland threatened to pull away from the Ministry and create there own governing country. It was the day that one of the leaders of the Scottish rebellion was murdered in Hogsmeade by witnesses, that Minister MacDougal showed his true colors. Anyone who spoke against the Minster was to be arrested.

    While in some cases the Quidditch League still carried on, there were still jobs to be had, Diagon Alley was to be re-built, the peaceful world that had once been was gone. The laws were strict, those the were in search of power sided with the Minister, while those against slowly started to form secret groups. The meeting places had to move all the time.

    Which side do you fall under?

    The Ministry? -- The Rebellion? -- Perhaps you'll stay out of it, live your life as nothing has happened.

    Careful, there are deaths all around, not by blood, or status, but by whatever the Minister so decides.

    Opening May 24th
    The events above will not happen until June 5th. There will be announcements for when O'leary dies and so on.
    As far as the characters know, everything is perfectly happy...

    Marquette, Michigan – about as quiet and forgotten part of the world as you can get. The kind of place where nobody bothers to lock their doors, where kids can roam the streets at night without fear, where the worst thing to happen is the winter weather.

    Or, at least, that’s how it was until recently. In the last couple of months, things seem to have gone downhill and fast. Vampire attacks, werewolves on the loose, ghosts everywhere… The supernatural is now undeniable, it’s there. The question is – what will people do about it?

    …And how bad will it get?

    Character Types Wanted: Demons Ω Vampires Ω Dreamweavers Ω Muses Ω Witches Ω Spirits Ω Gorgons Ω Merfolk

    ~Ω P R A E L I T I S Ω~
    Come on board! We have a wide selection of adoptable and wanted characters!!!

    Praelitis Ω Apply

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    [info]starrstruck. Liv Tyler. Daniel Radcliffe. Emma Watson. Eric Bana. Evangeline Lilly. Ian McKellen. Johnny Depp. Dean O'Gorman. Danielle Cormack. Michael Galvin. Ryan Gossling. Bill Nighy. Chris Martin. Sandra Bullock. Ariadna Gil. David Cronenberg. Kate Beckinsale. Michael Sheen. Kirsten Dunst. Nikki Reed. Jim Sturgess. Lindsay Lohan. John Cena. Maria Kanellis. Kate Bosworth. Jonah Hill. Seth Rogen. Katherine Heigl. Ryan Reynolds. Dane Cook. Christina Aguilera. Simon Pegg. Bam Margera. Jenna Jameson. Isabel Lucas. Adam Brody. Jaime King. Tyra Banks.

    It's now 2003 and after five years of healing the Wizarding World is ready to get on with their lives. The Wizengamot has reached the verdict on their last Death Eater trial. And just when everyone begins to breathe again, a family of Muggle-Borns with a brand new baby were brutally murdered. And above their homes the Dark Mark is glowing just as brightly as it had five years ago. The Order and the Ministry are both on the hunt for the Lestranges, the only missing Death Eaters. But the rest of the world is starting to wonder if it's all just smoke and mirrors. Is Voldemort really back from the dead? After all... he's done it before.

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