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Thursday, May 7th, 2009

    Time Event
    :: Colligo ::

    Once The Collector has you, there's no going back.

    From all over the universe, from every reality ever imagined, The Collector is gathering the best and the brightest, the beings that he finds most interesting, most worthy for his collection. The city of Colligo is The Collector's personal trophy case and that's where you find yourself once he's got you.

    You, unfortunately, have caught The Collector's eye and have been added to his collection. Where you are is unknown, how you got there is an even bigger mystery, but you're faced with two choices: learn to live in this city or die trying to escape it. The choice is yours.

    Colligo is a panfandom game set in an original world. We are het/slash/femme friendly and welcome any fandom out there. The Collector wants you.
    | rules | f.a.q. | taken | wanted | holds | application |


    Game has NOT started yet. We just opened the community, and once most majour roles are filled, we'll start the game!

    All characters except Alice open!

    Erased: Where Cartoons Meet Reality!

    It started with Pixar. While Woody felt himself being swiftly replaced by a shiny, new Rocketman, the two dimensional cartoon world saw the beginning of what would be their end. Some cartoons had already slipped into a comfortable retirement, but most saw the death of their own genre as the shiny, three dimensional world took over. But, instead of being erased from pop culture history, the old world entered the new. Broke through it, in fact.

    Roger Rabbit was the first to leave Toontown. He had always been known for having one foot in the door and one out, but better for being completely obsolete as soon as his movie ended. One morning he woke up in the real life body of Roger Baxter, an up and coming television star. The two Rogers were forced to make sense of each other, exist in the same body and help other cartoons that were jumping off the page into the streets of Los Angeles.

    This is Erased. A game about your childhood and how it just can't seem to slip away.

    Nostalgia can never be Erased...
    An Original Persona RPG
    First victim found May 15th.

    "Some say if you turn a door handle the wrong way on the hour on a sunny day it will lead to Paradise."

    After witnessing a death at their school where a missing pupil was found at his desk, characters begin investigating these rumours. They later realize that they can walk through doorways as a gateway to enter a seemingly utopian world infested with Shadows. Thus begins an adventure to discover the connection between the vanishings and deaths around town.

    Salem Academy - An American Harry Potter game on Inksome

    Old world magic with a new world twist.

    Over 1,000 years ago, schools for witches and wizards were founded in European countries to instruct students in magic. Hundreds of years later, late to the party as usual, American witches and wizards started their own school, after the disaster that was the Salem Witch Trials. Since then, Salem Academy has flourished as well as its European cousin schools.

    But Salem has set itself apart with its uniqueness. Core courses like Ritual Magic and Latin, and electives like Integrated Art History and Magical Craft distinguish it from any other magical school in existence. With its distinct blend of Old World and New, and Wizarding and Muggle worlds, this high school's like nothing you've ever seen before.

    Freak Nation: A Dark Angel RPG

    Today I'm proud to be a freak.

    Here in post-Pulse Seattle, my home, my friends, and my family are under fire. See, I was cooked up in a gene-splicing lab by an outfit called Manticore. They trained us to be soldiers, but really, we were slaves. Nearly two years ago, I torched the place and set everybody free--let them out into the world. Government's been trying to catch us ever since. The public is afraid; we are hunted, hated, and living in fear. Thank God for Logan. Even though we can't be together, on account of this virus Manticore put in me because they want him dead--long story, don't ask--he's still there for me, and he's helping me figure out what this black-ops government guy in charge of hunting me down is really up to. Turns out he's part of some weird ancient cult dealio--several thousand years of selective breeding, so they got some pretty nasty tricks up their sleeves. For some reason, they want me dead in a big way, and I've got a bad feeling they're not going to give up until they get what they want.

    And today we're gonna make a stand, right here. Who's with me?
    Game Info // Characters Wanted
    Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal


    A mutation of the HIV virus has left the global population infertile. Panic abounds. Extremist governments have come to power in most countries - including the United States. But there is a cure. The United States government announces a treatment that can restore fertility among its people. However, it comes at a cost. Legislation has passed, effectively listing all unmarried individuals aged 16 to 50 in a pairing lottery with the intent to form heteronormative families.

    All matched couples are sent into their forced cohabitation and required to spend time together in government sanctioned matrimony. Once a month they are required to undergo the fertility treatment, and expected to produce children. Failure for one or both spouses to comply will result in imprisonment in the infamous Adjustment Centers until they do.

    People have died. Others have simply disappeared. In Seattle, the government rules with an iron fist through the power of its two puppet organizations: the Pairing Office and the Adjustment Center. Fledgling anti-governmental organizations are becoming more daring, but their efforts to overthrow the powers that be still waver in the face of a complacent public opinion and lingering panic.

    Which side will you choose?

    Rules | Timeline | Application | Taken | Wanted | FAQ

    We are particularly looking for doctors, lawyers, reporters, and government agents. However, we are accepting applications for people from all walks of life.
    Sickleshire: Harry Potter AU


    Lord Voldemort attempted to attack Godric's Hollow to prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled; but, when the Order was tipped off about his plan, they were able to warn the Potters before Lord Voldemort could get to them. Instead, Lord Voldemort found himself face to face with Albus Dumbledore when he arrived at the village. Lord Voldemort, refusing to lose, lashed out with a violent curse that severely wounded both himself and Dumbledore. But when the attack did not kill the older wizard, the weakened Dark Lord ordered a mysterious lurker to finish off Dumbledore.

    With Albus Dumbledore gone, the Wizarding World waited with baited breath for Lord Voldemort to rise to power. Months passed and there was no sign of the Dark Lord's return. Rumors of his death spread like a wildfire and many attempted to gain back what they had lost to fear. Only the Order of the Phoenix remained suspicious and vigilant.

    Many have started to regain the lost normalcy in their lives. Nevertheless, unbeknownst to the peace-seeking Wizarding World, a devious plot has been set into motion; one that will tear down the foundation of Wizardry and bring about the second war.

    The game begins in May 1983.

    OPENS 10 MAY 2009!

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