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Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

    Time Event
    Empty Earth RP

    Presenting a new multi-fandom RPG, now open to join.

    Existence is made up of many different realities, and each of these is unaware of its hidden counterparts. Every reality contains its own worlds, its own stories; some realities even contain parallel universes within themselves. But each reality is separate, and never before has any reality interacted with another.

    Beyond Existence itself there is something else. Something more. Something terrible.

    Now, all of Existence has been devastated by an unknown and unimaginable force, ripped to shreds and left floating in the void.

    But hope remains.

    Something else is out there, and it's trying to fix things. This force is finding whatever survivors it can, and tucking them away in a new reality, to keep them safe, while it works to fix the damage.

    If the damage can be fixed.

    Game Info - Holds - Application
    Taken Characters - Rules - Q&A

    It's now 2003 and after five years of healing the Wizarding World is ready to get on with their lives. The Wizengamot has reached the verdict on their last Death Eater trial. And just when everyone begins to breathe again, a family of Muggle-Borns with a brand new baby were brutally murdered. And above their homes the Dark Mark is glowing just as brightly as it had five years ago. The Order and the Ministry are both on the hunt for the Lestranges, the only missing Death Eaters. But the rest of the world is starting to wonder if it's all just smoke and mirrors. Is Voldemort really back from the dead? After all... he's done it before.
    You see a lot of fandom memes on various journals, but how about having one central place where you know you can go to find them?
    Pentamerone - a fairy tale and folklore game on Inksome!
    What happens after Happily Ever After?

    Heroes and villains alike seek someplace to exist before they fade from existence. Others search for a way home, not sure if there's a home left to go to. Pentamerone is the last stronghold of human imagination. The hundreds of magical lands and worlds that used to exist in the minds of children are now in a state of decay. Pentamerone is a world of mystery, of new places to be explored, and full of new people to meet. It looks idyllic, peaceful, welcoming. But only one thing's certain:

    Once you cross its borders,
    you can never return home again.
    Game Info § Characters Wanted
    Mod Journal § IC Journal § OOC Journal


    I’d had more than my fair share of near-death experiences;
    it wasn’t something you ever really got used to.

    Senior year. Graduation. War with an army of vampiric newborns. It's been a busy year for one Bella Swan, now Bella Cullen, and yet she doesn’t have much to complain about. She's now married, on her honeymoon, and the promise of eternity with the man she loves.

    But the treaty with the Pack is still hanging by a precarious thread. Once Bella returns home they'll still need to figure out what to do and how to keep their peace. And Maria, her new presence in Forks is driving the family in different directions and adding more tension to an already volatile situation. And then there is the Volturi, growing anxious each passing day as no word or proof of Bella's immortality is given.

    Dawn’s First Light is a post-Eclipse game that will attempt to incorporate some but not all elements of Breaking Dawn. Gameplay officially began on April 1, 2009.

    { Canon | Rules | Cast | Wanted | Application | More }

    Join Haven!

    Survive. Escape. Rebuild.


    Fact: 1 in 1,000 people has a natural immunity to the Fury Virus. That means in the world 6,706,999 people are immune. 30,382 in the US. 4,301 in Colorado. 2,506 in Denver...

    The Fury Virus was released early in 2012, by religious fanatics looking to speed up the apocalypse. Their idea was to purge the Earth of sinners, people unworthy to stand upon it. Those that were left would obviously be the righteous, those who had earned a place in heaven.

    Their plans turned against them. The virus ran rampant, uncontrollable. No continent, no country, no city was spared. The infection spread everywhere, killing without mercy. In the end, only a small percentage of people were left alive. They were immune, but they were not the righteous. They were simply the ones who were lucky enough to have the biology to fight off the infection.

    Then there were the others, a small percent of the population, that were immune to the killing effects of the virus, but were still changed. Changed into beings made up purely of madness and rage. They killed without thought or hesitation. Those that survived the virus without succumbing to madness were now forced to fight for the lives they were trying to rebuild. The creatures, those that were changed, were called Eaters, due to their appetite for living human flesh.

    A group of survivors made the drive up Mount Evans, to the University of Denver's Meyer-Womble Observatory. There, they started a new life. For the last eight months, they've worked tirelessly, building walls to keep their new home safe. What they can't make or grow on their own, they raid from the mostly empty city of Denver. The Eaters still come, roving packs of them looking for flesh to sate their hunger. Those that are left must depend on each other to survive.

    Welcome to Haven.

    Game opens SOON.
    Liberty City RPG (Reserves and Applications now OPEN!)
    [♠ Liberty City RPG - a multifandom rpg]

    Liberty City RPG is a multifandom game based off the setting and (loosely) the events of Grand Theft Auto III™.

    Characters arrive with whatever clothing they had on their back from the point in which they are taken, one personal item, a cell phone, and a baseball bat. That's right. A baseball bat.

    So what will they do? Who can they trust? Will they work their way through odd jobs to try and find a way out of here? Will they accept life in Liberty City and try to settle in? Will they join a gang? Will they start their own gang? Would they rather try to establish order amongst the chaos? Or is the dangerous lifestyle too much for them, and they'd rather content themselves to hiding out?

    Reservations are OPEN.
    Applications are OPEN.

    Game opens: Friday, May 8th
    RulesF.A.Q.Game InfoMap

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