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Sunday, April 5th, 2009

    Time Event

    Welcome to Reading. It's a place where the sun is always shining, and people always have a place to be. Where people dress up to leave the house, and always have something interesting to talk about. Where nursery rhymes aren't just in books, it's where they are alive. It's where you can find Humpty Dumpty sitting on a wall, and an old lady who lives in a shoe. If one could step into the world of fiction, you'd find yourself in Reading. Life here can be magical and terrible all at once. Reality in Reading is not always realistic. And things are not always as they seem.

    Underneath the sunny exterior lies a much darker Reading. The only thing bigger than the rhymes themselves, are the crimes that seem to surround them.

    the premise - the rules - character list - application - faq

    [info]timesquare wants you!

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    City Of Hills is an aim and thread friendly play by (PB)/city based community set in San Francisco, California. Writers of this community are promised creative control over their story lines. As long as things are kept realistic, there should not be an issue at all. We are a game that encourages diversity among characters and accept all types of play bys. This is a pretty basic city-wide game, although we do focus our residential selections around fourteen neighborhoods. This game also accepts characters of all ages.

    Featured Neighborhoods: Bayview, Haight-Ashbury, Mission District, Mount Davidson, Mount Sutro, Nob Hill, Noe Valley, Pacific Heights, Presidio Heights, Rincon Hill, Russian Hill, Telegraph Hill, The Castro & Twin Peaks

    Next Adds: April 07, 2009.
    Updates & Adds Every Tuesday & Friday


    [info]starrstruck. Andy Serkis. Daniel Radcliffe. Emma Watson. Eric Bana. Evangeline Lilly. Ian McKellen. Johnny Depp. Shia LaBeouf. Dean O'Gorman. Danielle Cormack. Michael Galvin. Lindsay Lohan. Ryan Gossling. Bill Nighy. Chris Martin. Sandra Bullock. Ariadna Gil. David Cronenberg. Billy Boyd. Kate Beckinsale. Liv Tyler. Michael Sheen. Kirsten Dunst. Nikki Reed. Elijah Wood. Joey Mercury. Mike Mizanin.

    This is a Buffy: The Vampire Slayer and Angel: The Series RPG.

    Invis Sunnydale

    Recently the game [info]rainbosunnydale has changed hands for modship purposes and I’ve made some major overhauls. Rules and regulations have been changed, former inactive players have been dropped and I’m looking for new crew members. I’m still working on over-hauling many parts of the comm. And OOC but we in the game are looking for new blood.

    Premise of the game:

    After Sunnydale became a crater, the remainder of the gang and newly empowered slayers headed off in a big yellow bus for a new destination. It was decided that putting the entire group in one place to start off was far from a good idea. So the group split up. Faith and Kennedy headed back to Angel's place in LA, in attempts to set up a main head quarters while the others went off with Principle Wood to help him start his base of operations with the rest of the new slayers. Shortly after arriving back in LA Angel offered to put the group up in the Hyperion Hotel where Angel operations formerly had been run out of since he's just inherited Wolferman and Hart. Being suspicious of the newly acquired properties Angel made an offer to the current ally's he had in LA, after they arrived, that he would be more then willing to put them on the W&H payroll if they'd watch his back. So Faith and Kennedy set up in the Hyperion only to be greeted shortly after their arrival with one watcher named Katherine St. James and several baby slayers to train. Since then the crew staying at the Hyperion, which has now been deemed 'The slayer hotel', has steadily been growing in numbers. However, little do our slayers, Angel or anyone else know, there is a evil much worse yet to be seen and this one isn’t just going to play with magic and get into fist fights. This is a big bad with smarts, connections and charisma to top off magical aptitude and fighting abilities. Can the new slay crew handle this baddie? What waits just around the corner for our crew? I guess there's only one way to find out, come on down the road to [info]rainbosunnydale... If you dare.

    *17 years of age or above.
    *Characters, unless part of some evil plot, must be at least gay friendly.

    About the comm.:
    [info]rainbosunnydale is a comm with adult themes and story lines in a darker buffyverse setting with a preference towards slash; though Slash is not required. Adult themes can include: gore, horror, sex, abuse, torture and etc. This game does have over arching plot lines, but no one will be forced into participating in any plot they don’t want to. Threads will be made where there will be a disclaimer that plot is going to happen in that thread, but not precisely what will happen as to keep RP exciting for all players. No character will ever be killed, maimed, tortured, etc in any thread unless permission of the player is obtained first.

    If you have any further questions please contact me by either leaving a message here, PMing RSmods journal, or even leaving a comment in the Rsmods journal. (Which you will be taken to by clicking any of the following links)

    Wanted | Taken | Rules & Guidelines | Revised application

    Please. Thank you and I hope everyone has a good day! ^_^
    Welcome to Horrorwood
    Rules | Application | Taken | Reserved
    Locations | Accepted/Banned

    You wake up disoriented and in an abandoned theatre. The large and empty screen ahead is your only source of light as you try to figure out how and why you’ve arrived here. Your last recollection before your dreamless night was lying down in your bed and drifting off to sleep. You thought you were safe.

    As you make your way to the outside you notice the sky a gloomy overcast that’s threatening rain, but the weather isn’t what bothers you; it’s that concrete wall surrounding the premises that has you worried. In the distance you can spot four tall buildings and even an Amusement Park, yet, as you continue to explore, any trace of an exit seems almost impossible. You’re trapped here.

    Walking further you suddenly hear a disembodied cry of something horrible; something deadly, and it sounds hungry. Adrenaline pumping through your veins you stop and look for the source of the noise, but can’t find anything. You continue to walk forward, thinking it’s all in your head, thinking maybe you’re being paranoid, but another retching scream calls out; now it’s right behind you. And suddenly you realize that the threat is real and you better be quick on your feet if you plan to survive.

    “Horrorwood” is a panfandom horror roleplay that takes place in an alternate city very similar to that of Hollywood, California, with the exception that the place has been barricaded from the outside world and is crawling with all too real monsters. Good guys, and even the bad guys, wake up to find themselves trapped and relying desperately on their keen survival instincts.

    You’ll make friends, or you’ll make enemies, but be careful who you decide to befriend. The monsters aren’t the worst ones out to get you.

    [info]horrorwood | [info]horrorcomm | [info]justamovie

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