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Saturday, February 7th, 2009

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    [info]magicwithin via [info]cursedprophecy

    Cursed Prophecy Epilogue-Era HP RPG

    Just as all great empires must fall and the seasons must change, history will always repeat itself. There will always be a prophecy to fulfill.

    September 22, 2008 Fourteen badly decomposed bodies were found in Godric's Hollow. These bodies have yet to be identified.

    October 24, 2008 The attack that took place this day was by far the worst Massacre to happen in the last twenty years. The Hogsmeade Massacre claimed the life of Headmistress Minerva McGonagall, sent Neville Longbottom into a coma, and took the lives of some of Hogwarts' students. Hundreds of other lives lost and buildings turned to soot, the beloved village will never be the same. The lost will not be forgotten.

    October 28, 2008 The new Headmistress was appointed at Hogwarts. Some are welcoming and others, not so much.

    November 14, 2008 The people responsible for the attacks still unknown, have gotten away with several more deaths, and over 100 new injuries in a surprise attack on Diagon Alley. This newest attack lead to the students being kept at Hogwarts over the coming Holiday Break, and the promise of a Yule Ball to lift their spirits.

    January 5, 2009 Classes have resumed for Hogwarts students and life inside and outside of their hallowed halls has seemingly calmed down. Over the holiday break, worries were somewhat assuaged by the announcement that the criminals responsible for the believed "terrorist" attacks were apprehended and are awaiting persecution. Who will they blame it on this time?

    WANTED: Hugo, Dominique, Louis, Molly, Lucy, Fred, and Roxanne Weasley! Teddy Lupin is wanted for major plot! Neville Longbottom's daughter! Many characters need their siblings! Check the 'Families' link below and head over to [info]magicalplot for some specifics.

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    The Mellonryn Islands lie off the coast of Northern California, hidden from the main land by a rocky beach and a never clearing foggy spot on the horizon. Don’t worry about finding it on a map: to the world, these islands don’t exist. Created by magic and hidden by magic, the Mellonryn Islands are home to a secret society devoted to the preservation of magical order. But, not only are they home to legends… but they also house the legendary. Acinot Island, the pivotal island that holds the group together is home to Nemare Academy of Gentlewomen and Gentlemen, a school uniquely created to house and teach the newly reincarnated legends find their way, and to keep them from making the same mistakes twice.

    Parents are bribed, asked, and pleaded with to get their children to the school, all under the table of course. But the student population isn’t too happy with their situation. Tossed from the modern world, into a world of the medieval and fantasy, there are bound to be those who are upset. Those who were animals in the stories are now human shape shifters, witches and fairies are gaining back their powers in uncontrollable bursts, and don’t even get started on the ‘Not-So-Prince-Charmings.’ Everything is a mess, and everything is chaotic. The heroes are trying to become real heroes, while the villains are underground, hiding behind innocent faces a plot of their own. Even the modern day princesses are having problems coming to the ideals of a long-past age. So what with all this uncertainty afoot, what are you going to do?

    - Advanced Literate Disney + Animation RPG
    - PG-13-R
    - Adults and Students
    - Interactive timeline of events
    - Arranged Marriages
    - An “underground” school newspaper coming soon
    - Two very eccentric headmasters who are fun of kicks and giggles
    - A nice community who just wants to have fun

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    Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, Gaston, Hercules, Steele, Jock, Trusty, Balto , John Smith, Demetri, Vladmir, Sophie, Phoebus, Shang, Cri-Kee, Mushu, Ling, Yao, Chien-Po, Dowager Empress, Flit,Meeko,Nakoma, MALES, ADULTS, YOUNG CLASSMEN, SCHOOL STAFF and so much more!


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    Most Wanted: Ron Weasley, Ted Tonks, Percy Weasley, Daphne Greengrass, Dolores Umbridge, Muggleborn Servants, and more!

    Also accepting applications for original Greengrass, Lestrange, Longbottom, and Tonks children here.
    an original character Superhero/Supervillain game!

    It's 2009 in New York City, the city that never sleeps. The stock market and the economy are still tanking, the Jonas Brothers are unfortunately still huge, Barack Obama is still the President. However, there is one major difference: Superheroes are a fact of life, and New York City has the densest population of these caped crusaders.

    Of course, with the increased presence of heroes, there are villains. The crime has to be smart enough to keep up with the law enforcement. As a whole, society is very accepting of and loves the superheroes, and the villains are widely despised and some are feared.

    How did everyone get their powers? In this alternate reality, anything is possible. Perhaps your villain was just born with mutated DNA, or he was exposed to too much radioactivity. Maybe they're actually an alien? The sky's the limit (literally)!

    Come to Inside the Phonebooth and play the life of a hero or villain. Secret Identities are a big part of the game. All characters must be original character, and must have a secret identity and try to protect it. Fight some crime, meet your arch nemesis, and discover what truly makes a hero. We encourage a balance of drama and camp.

    Story ¤ Rules ¤ Characters ¤ Powers ¤ Application
    Hero Machine ¤ Writing Philosophy
    [info]starrstruck - [info]backstagemod: Dominic Monaghan. Billy Boyd. Angelina Jolie. John Cena. Andy Serkis. Brad Pitt. Christina Aguilera. CM Punk. Daniel Radcliffe. Emma Watson. Eric Bana. Evangeline Lilly. Ian McKellen. Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Johnny Depp. Kate Bosworth. Maria Kanellis. Mickie James. Miranda Otto. Paris Hilton. Reese Witherspoon. Ric Flair. Shia LaBeouf. Vanessa Hudgens. Winona Ryder. Dean O'Gorman. Danielle Cormack. Michael Galvin. Ryan Gossling. Bill Nighy. Kenny Chesney. Tom Hanks. George Clooney. Chris Martin. Sandra Bullock. Ariadna Gil. David Cronenberg.

    Naturally, being born is the first start to life; where it commences. As time passes, you eventually learn how to walk, how to eat with a fork, how to talk, and so on. There are firsts for everything. The first time you go to a baseball game, the first time you score a goal, even maybe your first kiss. But no, that’s not how it works in Corbin Town. In Corbin Town, life begins once you turn thirteen. When you reach that particular age, a transition takes place; a long, excruciating, bone crushing transition. It’s agonizing, and it’s time consuming… some don’t even live through it. When it’s finally over, you’re different. You might have fur, a tail, and maybe even some claws. When you try to speak, you might growl, snort, and maybe even roar. Whatever you are, you’re not human; not anymore at least. Metamorphosis has taken its place. You are an animal. But after time you’re able to alter back into your natural skin.

    But that’s customary in the town of Corbin. For centuries, residents have been changing in and out of their animal form, going on as normal. It would have been bizarre if you didn’t change. What animal you’re able to form to depends on who you become in the future. Deceitfully clever, dishonest, and cunning people may form into a fox. Chivalrous, possessive, bold; all traits of a lion. The animal one turns to may reveal your true colors, and your true intentions. The inscrutable morphing in the town has been kept a secret from the rest of the world for centuries, and that’s not about to change.

    Metamorphose; An Original Character Roleplaying Game. Opens when we have ten acceptable applications.

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