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Saturday, October 25th, 2008

    Time Event
    Dear [Character's name]

    We regret to inform you of the passing of Elbert Withering, son of Edward Withering and father to many. Elbert died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 73 on the 2nd of October 2008. He will be laid to rest upon the grounds of his estate where he chose to spend the majority of his life in seclusion.

    As Elbert had no living immediate family, he wished that all his relatives willing to drop their lives to stay in his estate for a full year would share equally in his earthly possessions. This letter is to inform you that you are both eligible and invited to live in his estate for that year. The commencement of the stay must be within one month of the receipt of this letter, less the offer be forfeit.

    Executive of Estate
    Martin Baker

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    If you could live forever, what would you live for?

    An easy enough question it would seem. But what happens when there are those who are eager to rush time, speed up the inevitable, and ultimately, toy with fate? The Volturi are the most powerful force in the mythical world and will use their prestige and talent to obtain what they want, disregarding the means it takes to get it. Ever since witnessing the extraordinary power between the bond of Bella Swan and the Cullen family in addition to the strange ability Bella, a mere human, has against their prized skills, they give the Cullens an ultimatum: Transform Bella into an immortal or they'll do it themselves. Despite being promised it would be taken care of, the Volturi grow impatient. Even with wedding invitations newly sent, a sure sign of the looming future regarding Bella's immortality, Alice has a vision that changes the course of everything. It seems they don't only require Bella's transformation -- they require Bella and will stop at nothing to have her become a part of them. Time is running out and important decisions need to be made. Who will ultimately change Bella? What will happen to the treaty between the vampires and the wolves regarding the severity of the issue? Who will fight if the Volturi refuse to settle things peacefully?

    La Tua Cantante will answer these and many more. This brand new Twilight series AU game is set after Eclipse, upholding the events in the first three books in the series up until that point. We will not be following the plot of Breaking Dawn and assure we are spoiler free in order for everyone to participate. The game just opened on August 17th and there are tons of roles still available. Apply today at [info]ltcmods!

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