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Sunday, October 12th, 2008

    Time Event

    Wanted.The Stones.Application.Rules.Characters/Taken PBs.Main Community.OOC Community

    In the year 1994, three teenagers were on vacation with their families, and crossed upon a cave. At first, it didn’t seem out of the ordinary, until they took their flashlights and walked in. The walls were covered with different colored stones, green, blue, red, orange, etc. Ecstatic about the discovery, they decided to take some as souvenirs and tell everyone about it. Little did they know that those stones would change their lives forever. Those weren’t your ordinary stones. They gave people abilities to manipulate different phases of nature.

    Anyone who held a specific stone would be able to control a specific part of nature. Fun, right? Well, no. Once you get that stone, you cannot lose it. Because once you have the stone, you become one with it. If you are away from your stone for a long period of time, you die. Why not destroy it after the person dies? Well, once you touch the stone, it is in your blood. When you die, it must be passed on to one person of your family blood or else everyone in your family chain will die. Many people heard about these stones, and its abilities, but they did not bother to think about that negative side and went to the cave.

    People who couldn’t afford to travel and go to the cave began to steel the stones from others, thus people started to die from being away from their stone for too long. When the government found out about those stones and its abilities, they ordered for all stones to be destroyed. Meaning anyone who had a stone destroyed died too. Even though the government thought they destroyed all the stones, there were some people that still had it in their possession. Most keep it secret, in fear that the government would destroy it.

    It is the year 2008, and people still have a stone in their possession.

    An origional character RPG community

    Game starts October 17! Get your apps in!
    //Community //Rules //Avaliable Characters //Application//

    We are now officially open! And accepting many apps.

    As far as Death Eaters go, we have quite a few already, but would be thrilled to see a badass older generation DE, namely Dolohov

    At any given moment, countless possibilities open before us. Every decision we make closes as many doors as it opens. But regardless of what paths we choose, and what paths we do not, Time flows onwards.

    Just as a frayed cord has many strands, each person exists in different divergent Timestreams, all stemming from the Main Timestream of the temporal flow.

    Outside of the Timestreams, there is the Nexus, where people arrive when they are plucked from the main thread of their lives at decisive points - days they die, start new jobs, etc., and there they remain as their lives continue in the Main Timestream. People are grouped their with those from similar times so people from different eras do not clash. For each group, the Nexus looks like a familiar location.

    With only the knowledge of their lives up to that point, they meet friends and family, lovers or enemies, masters or servants - other souls who must adjust to life outside of Time. Sometimes, these meetings bring joy. Sometimes they bring sorrow. But always, they bring opportunities. How you use those opportunities is up to you.

    'Trip the Rift' is a journal-based RP set in the Harry Potter fandom, restricted to those characters who were born between the years 1800 and 2050 AD.

    Players have the freedom to pick the precise moment their characters arrive at the Nexus, which is patterned after a large city dating from the period. But with that choice comes a consequence. Each character will only know their history up to that point. Pick someone towards the end of his or her life, and that character will know much more about people, places, and events than a contemporary who arrives at a much younger age.

    For example, if you chose to play Regulus Black and you had him arrive at the Nexus before he decided to betray Voldemort, he would be a loyal Death Eater. He wouldn't know anything about his actions with respect to the Horcrux, and he would be shocked to learn he had defied the Dark Lord.

    Or, let's say you chose to play Hermione Granger, and you had her arrive at the Nexus several days after the birth of her daughter, Rose. She would not know that she had another child afterwards.

    How will they react to learning about the deeds committed by their 'main Timestream' selves? Will they embrace family and friends they meet for the first time, or will they shy away from them, since they're effectively strangers? Will enemies still be enemies if only one of the parties knows what the others have done? The answers to those questions, and more, are up to you.

    If you have any specific questions, please feel free to drop us a line in the mod email.

    *** Also if you would like us to hold any character(s) for you please post a comment with your request here.
    Fidelius Sort :: A Harry Potter Sorting Community

    Fidelius Sort is a Harry Potter sorting community here on IJ.

    FAQ || Application

    It was expected to be the largest memorial ever, numbers surpassing those of the first memorial. But, when the night of May 02, 2023 occurred, the celebration was promptly cut short by an unexpected happening. Minister Wipple had just welcomed all those attending and was introducing Harry Potter to the stage when a large bang occurred, followed by a green flash of light. Everyone looked skyward to see a horrifying memory come to life - the Dark Mark. The people's cries rang out through the alley as they scattered in all directions; all the while the snake slithered in and out of the skull in the sky. Very few people stayed around long enough to see the next spell cast - the image of a stag floating over the darkened sky in battle with the Mark.

    At first the Wizarding World attempted to rationalize what took place as a prank, but when weeks passed and no one took the blame and no evidence was found, people began to grow curious. That curiosity was exploited on June 22, when masked figures vandalized Albus Dumbledore's grave at Hogwarts, causing a grass fire that burnt the Dark Mark around the headstone. Rumors and worry began to spread, increasing tenfold on July 31, when a statue of Harry Potter was stolen from Diagon Alley, outside of Gringotts. The Ministry launched a large investigation in a counterattack and in hopes that it would relieve fears. It did not.

    The Daily Prophet, as if working against the Ministry's efforts, printed a highly controversial article suggesting the "pranks" were actually attacks, and possibly being instrumented by old followers of the Dark Lord on August 08, just around the time students were readying themselves for the upcoming school year. September 01 was coming closer and closer and fear was mounting, unable to be quelled. Even the Headmaster couldn't offer words of relief, only a promise that students would be safe.

    Full Premise ¤ Cast ¤ Parents ¤ PBs ¤ FAQs ¤ Rules
    Time Line ¤ Application ¤ School Calendar ¤ Schedules
    Quidditch ¤ Clubs ¤ House Points ¤ Student Birthdays
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    Game Opens October 17th!

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