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Friday, October 3rd, 2008

    Time Event
    PB gets another chance with Divertissement. An interesting diversion.

    “The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars..."

    Set in Paris, France. This day and age. These are the stories of the passionate people; the beautiful, mad people.

    Rules. | Taken/Held. | Application.
    Hiiii. I'm thinking of opening a game and was wondering what people might be interested in. Please reply w/ comments and all!

    1. A town/city game in the city of Charleston

    2. A smaller SL (about 6-8 slots available) about a group of friends who, like beat poets, all decide to leave their lives to travel the world with next to no money. Which means they'd have to stop and work along the way. They can travel through the US or through Europe, whatever!

    3. A smaller SL that revolves around a group of people (maybe 20 max) who all attend sex addicts anonymous meetings. This one's inspired by Choke, of course!

    Characters | Premise | Rules | Abilities | Application | Friend All | Contact List | F.A.Q

    They weren't sure what caused it, just that it happened. A spill. Not lethal-- not enough to kill anyone. It was hardly enough to make anyone sick, really. So the powers that be, let it be. It was going to be too hard to clean up anyways. And the public turmoil it would have caused--! Too much trouble for one little, teensy mishap. It wasn't hard to cover it up. They made up for the lost chemicals by claiming they used too much in another project. When push came to shove, the scientists at the plant went into great (fake) detail, and no more questions were asked.

    It wasn't until they realized that it'd gotten into the drinking supply that they started getting worried. People began showing up at the clinics and the hospital with shortness of breath, stomach bugs, and headaches. 'These things are normal in the summer months,' the doctors told the patients, and they went home unhelped. Sure, they were normal-- stomach bugs and headaches. But was it normal for a cut to heal overnight? Or fire to just spontaneously burst from a hand? Doubtful.

    And it wasn't just a few people. It was the entire town of Bristol, Rhode Island that was affected. Everyone who had a sip to drink from the tap or cooked spaghetti or showered. Everyone.

    How will the town cope with their new powers? Will they take advantage of them or refuse to embrace their fates? Will the entire population turn into a giant battle of good vs. evil?

    One thing is for sure. There's something in the water....

    Rules // Application // All Characters // Taken PBs

    People all over the world are beginning to discover they have special abilities. Some are thrilled by the fact that they are different than everyone else and some aren't so thrilled. That's not all there is to it, though. A Company is trying to study these people and find out what causes their special ability, though not everyone comes out of the company. Are they trapped or are they even alive?

    A power greedy serial killer is just another risk, among others.

    Can these evolved humans unite to stop the terrors from rising?

    Seven Minutes After Midnight is a slightly canon/slightly AU game that starts at canon time October 2006 and goes through the lives of these people. Where will their paths lead from there?

    Anything is up to the players.*

    * AU storylines require mod approval to keep track of storylines so there are no clashes.

    Game opens November 1!

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