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Saturday, September 27th, 2008

    Time Event
    Time of Trial
    Time of Trial Banner by Kacey

    Rules-Character List-Format-Application-Sample Application-Plot-Game Facts-Played-Bys-Icon&PB Sources

    During the 1970's, the war between The Death Eaters and The Order of Phoenix raged on. People disappeared and entire families were killed by the hands of the Death Eaters and the Dark Lord Voldemort- and the Ministry of Magic stood nearly powerless to stop these massacres. The threat of pureblood society taking complete control over the Wizarding World rose, and Albus Dumbledore created the Order of the Phoenix. The blood shed and the body count between the two groups grew and grew while no progress was made on either side. A red scare ran throughout the Wizarding world; people who were even thought to be Death Eaters were convicted and killed without a fair trial.

    The Dark Lord used his intelligence in the Ministry to gain what he believed would be the knowledge that would win the war. A prophecy about a child that would have the power to defeat him, and through much of his own research he discovered this child was born of Lily and James Potter. He set about trying to find the couple who had defied him three times and kill their son.

    Lily and James were forewarned of the fate of their son, and managed to elude Lord Voldemort for a number of years- they did not stop living their lives. Not only did they have their son- but they also had a daughter while in hiding. They hoped the terror would stop and they would be able to return to their daily lives, it didn't. Peter Pettigrew, their secret keeper betrayed them and on the evening of October 31st, 1983- he came to Godric's Hollow to kill them.

    Things did not go as planned, James Potter sacrificed his life for his family that night- and in doing so he killed Lord Voldemort. No one knows exactly what happened that night- he sent his wife and children into hiding, and as the house fell down around them they were able to barely escape and take refuge at Hogwarts until the storm could blow over.

    With the Dark Lord Dead, though no body recovered- the Ministry was able to capture many of the most prominent Death Eaters and those who weren't killed were given life sentences in Azkaban- Peter Pettigrew included. The Potter's had become a famous family, and the fact that James Potter's widow was testifying made the trial a public spectacle. Some of these families were able to buy their way out of Azkaban, but their reputations were not unscathed.

    The only trace of the Dark Lord was a package he left with the Lestrange family- containing a few items from the Founders of Hogwarts. There was no note, no instructions- just a few seemingly useless items.

    Time went by, and the threat of the Death Eaters became something only remembered by History Books. The next generations started at Hogwarts, and it seemed that all was well in the Wizarding World.

    But that was only for the time being..

    The year is 1995 when Harry, Ron and Hermione return to Hogwarts to start their fifth year. No one has any idea what is in store for them.

    The War has begun..

    Most Wanted: Bellatrix Lestrange, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Cho Chang, Luna Lovegood, and more adults!!


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