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Friday, February 22nd, 2008

    Time Event
    Halcyon Halls: A Supernatural Roleplay Community
    What if they were real?
    The myths and legends.
    The things that go bump in the night.
    What if they were just like you?
    Since the dawn of time they've been blamed for all of life's oddities. A strange noise? It must be a ghost. Pets mangled and eaten? Maybe a werewolf got them. That pale man that never ventures out in the day? A vampire, surely. Children behaving badly must be changelings, and that table had to have been forced into your path by a mischievous sprite, now giggling at your misfortune.

    The list goes on. For each being, there are hundreds of tales, most pure delusion of course, though much of it based in fact.

    From Nessie and Sasquatch to the Bermuda Triangle and the Land of Mu, our world is filled with the unattainable, the unexplainable... that which we call Myth, or Legend.

    Yet, like the Will O' the Wisp, or the ghost breath that sends a shiver down your spine, the truth tugs softly at our conscience. Whispers in the dark of a boogeyman in the shadows, or a fairy spinning gossamer tales in the corners of your mind. They are real. And in so many ways... they are just like you. They work. They feed. They even have children. And just like humans, those children go to school.

    School however, isn’t always as just classes and homework. Strange old castles often have far more lurking about them than is so readily apparent. Ancient curses have been set loose on the school. Memory loss. Sickness. Power switching... Was it an accident? Or are more sinister plans afoot? Unanswered questions abound as the students and staff first try and understand exactly what has happened to them...

    Welcome to Halcyon Halls.
    We're changing the future one myth at a time.
    | Rules | FAQ's | Helpful Links | Races/Guidelines | School Information | Class Schedule | Character List | Wanted Characters | OOC | Halcyon Halls | Houses | Mod Journal | Joining |
    Our Wanted List

    Wanted List (put together by our current members)

    Sean Astin, Eric Bana, Sean Bean, Jim Beaver, Kelly Bishop, Jack Black, Selma Blair, Cate Blanchett, Emily Blunt, Kate Bosworth, Zach Braff, Matthew Broderick, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Hayden Christensen, George Clooney, Taylor Cole, Harry Connick Jr., Russell Crowe, Tom Cruise, Hugh Dancy, Majandra Delfino, Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kirsten Dunst, Erica Durence, Anna Faris, Samantha Farris, Nathan Fillion, Colin Firth, Schuyler Fisk, Paul Giamatti, Lauren Graham, Hugh Grant, Judy Greer, Ioan Gruffudd, Sammy Hagar, Rita Hanks, Tom Hanks, Justin Hartley, Josh Hartnett, Anne Hathaway, Jeremy Irons, Nicole Kidman, TR Knight, Jude Law, Eva Longoria, Madonna, Peyton Manning, James Marsden, James McAvoy, Maureen McCormick, Ewan McGregor, Sienna Miller, Chad Michael Murray, Sienna Miller, Viggo Mortensen, Brittany Murphy, Cillian Murphy, Ashley Olsen, Mary Kate Olsen, Clive Owen, Gwyneth Paltrow, Scott Patterson, Busy Philipps, Brad Pitt, Natalie Portman, Matthew Rhys, Andy Roddick, Geoffrey Rush, Jerry Seinfeld, Riley Smith, Samantha Smith, Will Smith, David Sutcliffe, Alona Tai, Keith Urban, Emanuelle Vougier, Donnie Wahlberg, Mark Wahlberg, Kate Walsh, Naomi Watts, Tom Welling, Shane West, Jack White, Catherine Zeta-Jones

    Roswell, Smallville, and Heroes cast.

    Or anyone else you might want to play. You can check out our taken list so far.

    We are in real need of actors/actresses....We have a little over 20 members! Please come check out our Member list. Maybe that will help in deciding.
    there are just too many hp games out there that die because of inactivity. why do they go inactive? maybe because they lack freedom, plotting, or the boy who lived. in short, [info]strings is a different kind of hp game. we are epilogue, but we don't have a strict policy as to following canon. talk to us! we're very reasonable people.

    over the years, most of us have grown to love our characters, no matter who you play. [info]strings has a variety of characters, all of whom are the babies of our babies. if you loved playing pansy parkinson, how about giving amelia flint, her daughter a chance? michael corner? mike's got three boys, for you! so many characters have been pigeon-holded (good guy, bad guy) in the hp rp world and [info]strings wants to break free from this. do what you want with your own character.

    the game is called [info]strings because somehow or another, everyone is connected in the world. it might take 26 different degrees of connections, but a always goes to z. the game is relationship centered. there are no dark plot lines that cause every other person to die or anything like that. we're here for development and there is no better way to get into your character's head than to play them!

    various elements have been changed. if you are a die-hard canon fan, this game might not be for you. we didn't like rowling's epilogue. sorry, loves!

    faqdrop boxfriend allclasses & activities
    contact listbirthdays

    just opened! now accepting holds/applications!
    b a v a r d a g e

    Things are tense at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Rumors of Voldemort's return are being whispered amongst the students, voices hushed and nervous as the latest bit of information makes the rounds. Fear has settled heavily on many shoulders, quickly bringing uncertainty and mistrust to an already divided school. Who belongs to which side? Are there spies amongst the students? What will happen next, who will die next? Can anything be done?

    The school may be safe from the outside wizarding world, but are the students safe from each other? The generations-long battle between the houses hasn't gotten better, and current tensions have done nothing but elevate the rivalries to a new level. To make matters worse, an anonymous group of four girls have stepped things up, creating a vicious gossip paper that periodically and sporadically details information about their fellow students. Details that only close friends would know. Details that no one is ever happy about having shared with the entire student body.

    It's called Bavardage. No one knows who publishes it, or how information is gathered for it. The only certain thing about it is that it is another source of trouble and uncertainty. With the teachers seemingly unable to stop new issues from going out and the issues getting progressively nastier and revealing more secrets, the last, thin threads of trust amongst the houses are fraying quickly. Friendships are being challenged and broken, and new, dangerous liaisons are being built.

    The general consensus is that the girls must be stopped: but how? The purebloods are getting snobbier every year, the halfbloods are losing recognition for their minds and intellect and the muggleborns are treated as welfare cases on scholarship from the British Prime Minister. The whole student body is stuck in a downward spiral, trapped by an endless ring of rumors and lies. Libel and slander are not punishable, but instead encouraged. There's nothing more important than bringing down anyone suspected of being responsible for Bavardage. People are getting hurt, and not just by the paper. With no one able to trust anyone else and constant fights breaking out, the search for the guilty is getting nowhere extremely fast.

    There's war brewing, and not just outside of Hogwarts. Somewhere within the castle that is supposed to be one of the few safe refuges left in the wizarding world, four girls are playing a dangerous game with their fellow students. Will the school collapse onto itself, or will the youth of the wizarding world be able to band together and overcome the fear, distrust, and rivalries that are threatening to tear Hogwarts apart?

    BAVARDAGE. Will you end up on the top, or on the bottom?

    H o g w a r t s 6th y e a r.

    Application|Available/Taken Characters|Played by list|Rules|Resources|Contact List|Friend Button

    It's 2006 and Alice is busy planning a wedding, Bella is busy trying to figure out if she's really ready for everything, Jacob is finally back home but hurting and still pinning over Bella, and Heidi is about to set up camp in Port Angeles.

    The Volturi are a lot more interested in Bella and the Cullens than the Cullens think. They have been debating how to go about making sure Bella is changed, and new hunting ground.

    The story starts a week or so before Heidi comes to America with two other Volturi members. Rachel Black comes home and everything appears to be calming down. That is until more vampires show up... Not just the three Volturi, but the Denali family come down from Alaska for a visit to the Cullen's. They want to know why they've heard rumors about the Volturi coming States side.... Meanwhile the humans are just caught in the middle of mythological battles.

    Let the tale begin.

    Cast PB's Rules
    Application Premise

    For Members only: Friend Add Contact List

    Wanted: Carlisle Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Esme Cullen, Jasper Hale, Rosalie Hale, Rebecca Black, Leah Clearwater, Sam Uley, Emily Young and LOADS MORE!

    (The game will open once we have more players)

    info | available/taken | pbs | rules | application| faq

    In 1996, the Dark Lord went back to the Gaunt dilapidated shack and found something he didn't expect: a hidden room. This room only appeared to the eyes of the Gaunts, who bared the name. It was very old magic, but now with his new body he could now see the room that had been a secret from him even within his youth. The room itself was a bedroom with lavish decorations, trinkets and a bunch of items that belonged to the Gaunts and Slytherin himself. It seemed to be interchangeable and could be any size, having every great answer that involved the Slytherin ancestry and the one thing he was looking to create: a way to be reborn. His search ended with something simple-- the Mirror of Erised, the mirror created by another who "mastered" death. Erised is the name of a woman who had found the solution to the veil but was unable to go that far with her experimenting. We all know that Voldemort is about experimenting, he stole the mirror after tracking it down from Russia and placed it in front of the veil.

    Lord Voldemort spent a great deal of time preparing a complicated, time-set spell that would release in a time where Harry Potter nor his friends alive. When the preparations were finished, he needed to give the task of activating it to one of his followers. He handed it to Bellatrix LeStrange, but she perished and Rodolphus handed it off the the Malfoys. Lucius, for one, never wanted to bring him back and thus didn't do as instructed and neither did Draco. It wasn't until generations later where Cerbirus Malfoy, a far, far, far grandson to Draco that it was acted upon. Lord Voldemort would not be happy upon returning.

    The year 3000, no one to defeat him.

    Voldemort had a back up plan


    House of Gaunt is a game that combines muggles, wizardry and a small war. Although, it's suppose to be more social, player-driven than super war-time driven. You can play anyone from anytime at any age.


    after midnight rpg.

    RulesExtended PlotCharacter ListingApplicationPlayed By'sMod Journal


    <td>The Muggles have always been a what if subject. What if they discover us? What if they manage to cross into our world and what if we are forced to go to war with them? Most ignore this what if, but Purebloods have always been weary of losing the only world they have ever known to them.
    In August of 2003.. it happened.

    Are you willing to risk your life to ensure that there is a future? Will you cower in fear or refuse to align with past enemies? Or will you take a stand for your lifestyle and World?

    the choice is yours. . .CHOOSE WISELY


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