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Wednesday, January 30th, 2008

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    Join [info]bmezine!

    A community to talk about body modification in any form.
    •Ask questions.
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    A few communities for you to check out:

    A prompt/challenge community for those interested in writing using their RPF/roleplay characters. Low-pressure. Prompt styles will vary, and change occasionally. Any fandom welcome so long as the person/character is some sort of celeb (not pb/original). Open to members 18+.

    A discussion community where you can talk about the nature of your muses, the crazy things they do and the even crazier inspirations we get from them. "Group therapy for the muse-inflicted". Muse psychology and discussions on the what, how and whys of our creative muses.

    Slash celeb/AU/original RPG. Yes, all three. Open to members 18+. Detailed plot, lots of active characters, friendly players, attentive mod. Check the wanted list. Especially looking for Gerard Way, Zac Hanson, Matt Sanders, Jimmy Sullivan and some others for SLs.

    Hearts and Minds- an AU Panfandom Game

    Everyone asks those 'what if' questions about their favorite characters. 'What if Harry Potter's parents had actually survived the fight against Voldemort?' 'What if Faith had succeeded in actually killing Buffy in her senior year, and became the Slayer herself?' Here at Hearts and Minds, you can explore your favorite 'what if's- with a twist.

    "The premise of this game, what we feel makes it unique, is not that it takes place in an isolated village, but the fact that characters from across the fandoms are sent there for a reason. It is the mun's responsibility to determine a reason, and reasons must be submitted to the mods as part of the application. (An example would be if House, from House MD, was sent to the village in order to get his Vicodin habit under control). Once the character has learned his lesson/achieved his goal, or whatever is required per the reason determined, he is able to travel between the village and his home canon, if possible."- quoted from H&M on LJ (the canon-based equivalent formerly run by one of our mods.)

    codes by refuted on LJ » more info on the wiki » mod journal » contact the mods

    If you feel you have no faults ... there's another one.

    -- Anonymous

    Still in search of almost all major characters; adds done nightly, mods are friendly; please check us out!

    [info]copycatt | Link to Copy Catt Mod

    ~ Brand new game!
    ~Many roles are open!
    ~Highly interactive
    ~Members' opinions will be taken into account
    ~ Supportive of both personal and game-wide plots.
    ~ There are plenty of in-game activities to provide opportunities for personal character development.
    ~Mature community
    ~ Slash, femme-slash and het friendly.


    Opening January 31st, 2008
    Worlds Collide | The Mod | OOC | Owl Post
    The Order of the Phoenix has spent years fighting against Voldemort, his Death Eaters and the very idea of Pureblood supremacy. Many people on both sides of this battle have given their lives for what they truly believed in and in the spring of 1998 the Wizarding world thought that they had received the final answer to the struggle between equality and supremacy. Harry Potter, surrounded by those who believed in him, defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named for the final time. The wizarding world rejoiced as Voldemort's dark shadow was removed from their homes and communities and they were able to rebuild the lives that they had once had.

    Now, as the wizarding world enters the year 2003, they find themselves facing danger from the very people many of them fought so hard to protect. The barrier between the Wizarding and Muggle world is deteriorating. Is there a new group of Death Eaters out there? Is it a remainder of Voldemort's plans? Rumours and speculation run rampid as the Ministry tries to determine the cause. As more and more Muggles stumble across the magical world and it's people, violence and hatred cross barriers, leaving Witches and Wizards every where wondering if maybe Voldemort had been right after all.

    Now, as a new year dawns, Death Eaters and Order members will have to come together to fight off this new threat. Will old grievances get in the way and tear apart old wounds? How will new policies be hammered out? And most importantly, will the Wizarding world be able to survive as the hunted minority?
    Wanted Characters
    Dean Thomas, Ron Weasley, Oliver Wood, Alicia Spinnet, Neville Longbottom, Blaize Zabini, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Pansy Parkinson, Lucius Malfoy, Hannah Abbot, Kingsley Shaklebolt, George Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks, Luna Lovegood....and many, many more.
    Plot | Rules | Application | Characters | PB List | Contact

    Mod Journal | Game | Plot | Application | Rules | Available Characters | Taken Characters and PBs

    Dark Dissension is a slightly AU post-Hogwarts game set in 2005. Conflict is brewing again.
    -DH Compliant, but not epilogue compliant.
    -18+ game.
    -Slash/Het friendly.
    -NC-17 for themes, subject matter, and violence predominantly.
    -Plot & Character based (i.e. smut is NOT a mainstay of play, and is discouraged).
    -Mods are friendly and active players.
    -We want people who like to play and who play things true to their character (no metagaming).
    -We love people willing to cause some IC drama and get messed up!
    -OOC Drama will not be tolerated.
    -Characters WILL all be up for attack should attack need to happen, there is no bowing out of that, this is war. This does not mean serious injury will occur.

    Quicker and Easier version of the plot )

    Please click the fabulous linkies under the image for the complete plot, character list, rules and application

    Wanted Characters | Taken Characters | Streets & Buildings | F.A.Q's | Application | Main Info

    [info]euphorialane, is a post-Hogwarts, post-war canon up to Half Blood Prince game, set in the year 2003 and combining the magical world of Harry Potter, with social expectations and appointments. Unlike other games based on a no-war environment, Euphoria Lane provides mod designated events on a local, national, and international scale, so there will always be a plot to follow, alongside in-depth character development. We've also made it very easy for new players to catch up!

    We are looking for motivated and creative role-players, who are willing to put effort into making the Harry Potter world as real as possible, through quality writing and original storylines. If you're a player looking to explore individual depths and development for a character you love, we invite you to join us with your wit, irony, and maybe a little flash of skin.

    In return, we'll tickle your fancy with monthly organized game activities, writing challenges, and a space to create and develop the magical world of Harry Potter. This is a game focused on character development and writing, run by experienced moderators and completely drama free.

    Join Euphoria Lane
    Currently accepting applications


    We are particularly in search for MALES, former Gryffindors/Slytherins, and Blood Purists/continuing Voldemort-sympathizers.

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