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Sunday, January 20th, 2008

    Time Event

    House of Night

    It’s been proven by scientists and researchers that there truly exists a race called vampyre. Defined by the blue crescent-shaped mark on the forehead, a vampyre is Marked and subsequently leaves for the House of Night to begin “training.” Some may call it ghoul school, some may call it...well, whatever they like, but no one can predict if or when a teen will be Marked. Humans denigrate and fear it, and the unlucky individuals who now have this bodacious mark on their foreheads have a lot to deal with -- a change of life, a new school, and getting used to those who share their fate.

    Plot )

    Wanted )

    Join because...

    >> Friendly mods!
    >> An oasis for all vampire/fantasy lovers in a highschool setting.
    >> Slash loving community.
    >> Lots of fun surprises.
    >> Everyone is welcome to join.
    >> It's flat out scrumtrulecent.



    Contacting the Mods

    Jasmin - dirty boys blush
    Mollie - molliesaurusrex
    A --- P O S T - D E A T H L Y --- H A L L O W S --- C A N O N --- G A M E
    B E G I N N I N G --- F E B R U A R Y --- 1 S T

    Full Plot | Rules | F.A.Q. | Character List | Application

    It is the year 2000, just two years after the final battle at Hogwarts. The wizarding world is still rebuilding from the fall of Lord Voldemort's reign, and although many believed they would finally have peace at last, it is not to be. Death Eaters have been able to lie, cheat, and bribe their way out of being jailed in Azkaban - and some select few have reorganized in secret to continue the Dark Lord's goal. They, however, did not agree with Lord Voldemort's ways; accepting anyone less than a pureblood was hypocrisy against their cause. Not wanting their work to be confused with Voldemort's old followers, they have given themselves a new name, in honour of the Dark Lord's original cause - the Walpurgis Knights. The Knights have worked their way into the Ministry of Magic, slowly taking over until finally controlling the Minister of Magic himself from behind the scenes, manipulating him to their will.

    But not all was going according to their plans. Just as mysteriously as magical powers appeared in this world, so too was it beginning to vanish. Wandless magic was the first to go, and is now completely unheard of. Soon after, powerful spells began failing, but no one had thought anything of it at the beginning - powerful spells were often complicated, and therefor did not always succeed. It was after this that more severe cases began to be noticed - although more and more cases were recorded beforehand, since March of 1999, there have been no children born with magical powers, regardless of blood status. It has been discovered, however, that spells and items created with ancient magic seem to have preserved themselves, and now the race has begun to obtain these artifacts to either save the wizarding world... or destroy it.

    Opening January 31st, 2008
    Worlds Collide | The Mod | OOC | Owl Post
    The Order of the Phoenix has spent years fighting against Voldemort, his Death Eaters and the very idea of Pureblood supremacy. Many people on both sides of this battle have given their lives for what they truly believed in and in the spring of 1998 the Wizarding world thought that they had received the final answer to the struggle between equality and supremacy. Harry Potter, surrounded by those who believed in him, defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named for the final time. The wizarding world rejoiced as Voldemort's dark shadow was removed from their homes and communities and they were able to rebuild the lives that they had once had.

    Now, as the wizarding world enters the year 2003, they find themselves facing danger from the very people many of them fought so hard to protect. The barrier between the Wizarding and Muggle world is deteriorating. Is there a new group of Death Eaters out there? Is it a remainder of Voldemort's plans? Rumours and speculation run rampid as the Ministry tries to determine the cause. As more and more Muggles stumble across the magical world and it's people, violence and hatred cross barriers, leaving Witches and Wizards every where wondering if maybe Voldemort had been right after all.

    Now, as a new year dawns, Death Eaters and Order members will have to come together to fight off this new threat. Will old grievances get in the way and tear apart old wounds? How will new policies be hammered out? And most importantly, will the Wizarding world be able to survive as the hunted minority?
    Wanted Characters
    Harry Potter Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Ron Weasley, Oliver Wood, Alicia Spinnet, Fleur (Delacour) Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange, Neville Longbottom, Blaize Zabini, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Pansy Parkinson, Lucius Malfoy, Hannah Abbot, Kingsley Shaklebolt, George Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Andromeda Tonks, Luna Lovegood....and many, many more.
    Plot | Rules | Application | Characters | PB List | Contact

    RP CommunityOOC CommunityDP CommunityHistory CommunityNPC Journal
    PremiseRules & FAQsCharacter ListBackstories & Wanted CharactersApplication

    The year is 1976 - a time of bellbottoms and platform shoes, disco music and embarrassing slang, burning bras and damning the establishment. It's a time of change and upheaval, where new ways of thinking are embraced by many and scoffed at by an equal amount. People are beginning to question the government, wondering if things should be done slightly differently. New kinds of music and fashion is emerging, making more conventional adults complain about the noise and wonder what will happen to the world with such a corrupt generation in the works. There is laughter, happiness, and the world is just as it always should have been.

    But underneath the seemingly peaceful world, there is a darker plot being stirred about that is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore. Every day, more articles come out in the Daily Prophet describing strange attacks, curious deaths, and all out mysterious events that not even the editor can smooth over to not seem interconnected. The people are beginning to wonder, putting the puzzle pieces together. The older witches and wizards are reminded of the dark time of Gridelwald from years ago, praying that history will not go about its usual way of repeating itself. All the while, the not so quiet whisper of a man named Voldemort who prefers to be addressed as the Dark Lord goes through the masses.

    Mad World is a role-playing game that takes place during the sixth year of the boys that we have come to know and love as the Marauders. We are a book canon compliant game, meaning that now that "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" has come out, we do expect all characters to abide by any and all canon that has been established by JK Rowling. We've been going strong since August of 2007, but we're always looking for more characters and players to join in the fun!

    Wanted Characters: In general, we would love to see more Alumni and Fourth and Fifth Year students. We have a severe lacking of both! More specifically, we'd love to see Gideon and Fabian Prewett as Gryffindor tower is so quiet without them. Peadar MacDougal where did you go! Benjy Fenwick and Emmeline Vance - you're the only future Order members missing and the rest of the group would love to have you around. Future Death Eaters, a storm is a brewing and you're going to miss out!


    ||The Premise||Rules||Characters||Application||Play Bys|| FAQ || Friends Button||Contact List||

    tesseract || its || tesseract_ooc

    Tidbit of the Premise:
    Lysander, during his readings through the journals, discovered the story of a Fourth Hallow and with the reluctant help of Hugo and Albus began the search for it. Little did they know that the Fourth Hallow was with them all along. When Hugo Weasley first left for Hogwarts, he had been given a present that his father hadn't received until his seventh birthday. It looked like an ordinary watch. There was nothing spectacular about it and it had been in the Weasley family for ages.

    The boys were outside near the Great Lake, Hugo swinging the watch idly in his hand when his cousin Roxanne (or Roxy as he thought of her) set off one of her father's latest inventions on the boys. In Hugo's attempt to get away from the billowing and smelly smoke, the watch struck rock and popped open for the first time in centuries. There was a rip in time and space; a tesseract.

    The Lowdown:
    In this game not only can you play the epilogue children and acid babies from JK Rowling's notes and interviews, but also any character who may have died during the books. The children are sent back in time to the year 2000 and become stuck there with their parents even though their parents are of the same age. The Tesseract causes the dead to come back to life and no one knows how to stop it. Jumble that up with a release of prisoners from Azkaban and you have holy plot batman. We already have obscure hard to find characters cast like Dolores Umbridge, Gellert Grindelwald, Minerva McGonagall and Marietta Edgecombe!

    Most Wanted Characters Include:
    Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Albus Dumbledore, Rose Weasley, Lucy Weasley, Fred Weasley (the second), Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, George Weasley, Penelope Clearwater, Peter Pettigrew, Bill Weasley, Fleur Weasley, Fenrir Greyback, Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Lavender Brown, Padma Patil, Frank and Alice Longbottom, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rita Skeeter, and many many more!

    Located just four miles out of Napa, California, The Sutton Academy has become the place for the rich (and sometimes famous) to send their children. Boys and girls come from all over the country (and in a few cases, the world), to receive a first rate education. At least, that's what the brochures say. The truth is, The Sutton Academy has become more of a 24-7 babysitter for rich kids rather than a school. The price tag is high, but it's a rarity that kids fail out, or get kicked out of Sutton, something their parents know when they sign their checks each year.

    Taken/Held | More Info

    ADDS TONIGHT! Apply now!


    Orlando, Florida. A land where tourists gather year round from all over the world in search of an almost god-like icon; Mickey Mouse. Walt Disney World. The holy land. Amidst sock-sandal combos and the sweet scent of sunblock, there are the 'cast members'. The people who work hard day in and day out to make the magic come to life. Sanitation workers, mechanics, guest relations, cashiers, cooks, characters, ride operators, tour guides, wardrobe, stage hands, security, photographers..the park is full of people 24/7. Do you have what it takes?


    Current Mood: cold

    [info]facaderp is a real time celebrity role play community that's always looking for enthusiastic new players who're looking to build and develop characters. We have a lively and active aim game when combined with journal updates and feedback offers lots of opportunity to interact with your fellow players. [info]facaderp accepts celebrities from any genre, so if there's a character you've been thinking you'd like to play or an existing character you're looking for a home for come and join us.

    Rules / Character List / Application

    Wanted: My Chemical Romance (minus Gerard and Frank), Linkin Park (minus Chester Bennington), Evanescence (minus Amy Lee) and anyone else you want to throw our way.
    DESERTED DINER: a Multifandom RPG

    In an unspecified town, a young man known simply as Kellerman toys with the idea of vortexes, and blackholes. In his experiments, he inadvertently creates a vortex that summons individuals from all over the universe into this one desolate town. Now he must find a way to send them back…

    Kellerman thinks he knows how to get them back, but it requires multiple experiments... and he’s got plenty of new subjects. As he explores more and more, slowly, the work sucks away his last bit of sanity until there is no more. People start disappearing as quickly as they had come. Is there any hope of any of them returning to their rightful place, or will they all become permanent specimens for Kellerman’s strange experiments?

    However, there may be hope. A small diner, known as the Deserted Diner, becomes the plotting place for the new arrivals and original residents alike. Will they be able to fight back against Kellerman? Or are they doomed?

    Taken characters
    Friend add list
    Location list
    Mun info (friends only)
    Wanted characters
    OOC Community

    X-Project: X-Men Movieverse RPG on Livejournal

    Website | Application | Taken/Banned/Available | Game History | Game Wiki | Now Playing | Rules | FAQ | Contact Us

    X-Project is a Livejournal X-Men Movieverse game which began in May 2003. It is based on continuity established in the first and second movies (by necessity, the third movie does not exist), and relies on a combination of in-character journals and e-mail/AIM-based logs.

    There is something for everyone in X-Project, whether a fan of the comics, movies, or just someone with a passing interest in exciting interaction. The game balances the intense world of the X-Men's activities with the interpersonal relationships formed by having two teams of mutant activists - the X-Men and X-Force - operating in conjunction with a school for young mutants learning to control their abilities.

    Most of all, X-Project is a chance for both participants and readers to enjoy innovative and cooperative storytelling in an ever-changing setting.

    No OCs. Check out the list of open characters, or consider apping someone new. Students 14-17 especially welcome.


    Sam Guthrie: Eldest son of the sprawling Guthrie clan, Sam left Kentucky to attend Xavier's as a high school student when he manifested his powers of thermokinetic propulsion during a mine cave-in. He remained at the school for many years, despite sometimes feeling guilty about 'abandoning' his widowed mother to raise his siblings alone. However, his role as an X-Man was just as important to him. When his sister Paige and brother Jay eventually came to the school as their own mutations surfaced, Sam found the family reunion was a bit more difficult than he'd anticipated. When news came in 2007 that their mother had been injured in a fall, Sam was the one who volunteered to return to the family farm and help care for her. Lucinda Guthrie is a proud woman, however, who knows her children's hearts well, and it's entirely likely that when she is recovered, she'll send Sam back to where he feels he belongs.

    If you are interested in applying for the above character, a full previous history can be found on the X-Project Wiki. Or, email the mods. We look forward to hearing from you!

    Wanted Characters )

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