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Tuesday, January 1st, 2008

    Time Event

    The year is 1976. Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody is playing on muggle radio stations and the VCR has just been released worldwide. Times are changing, and not just in the ordinary world. A dark force governed by an unknown evil has been gathering followers, convinced of pureblood supremacy. People have already begun disappearing. Attacks are becoming more frequent. Alliances are being made in secret.

    Hogwarts cannot go on untouched for much longer. Even the students are getting caught in the power struggle- dividing and picking sides of their own.

    Its evident that something needs to be done soon or the wizarding population will surely dwindle. But how do we know who's corrupt when the toxin is just as secret as the antidote?

    Characters | Application | Rules

    [info]jobberknollrp | [info]jobberknollooc | [info]jobberknollas

    Characters needed: JAMES POTTER, PETER PETTIGREW, Regulus Black, Rabastan Lestrange, Barty Crouch Jr., Emmeline Vance, Benjy Fenwick, Antonin Dolohov, Hestia Jones, Dorcas Meadowes, Doris Crockford, Gilderoy Lockhart, Ludo Bagman, any and all Ravenclaws, any and all Hufflepuffs, etc!
    A role-playing game promotion community for journal-based, journal-only RPGs.

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    Journal RPG Ads

    A 7th Year Twisted Canon RPG

    Gryffindor is the home to the bravest of the brave. would be, if it were full! Rarity of rarities, Mockery is in dire need of Gryffindors to keep Ginny Weasley company!

    Now Accepting applications for: Neville Longbottom, Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, Seamus Finnigan, Richie Coote, Romilda Vane.

    Also casting Gyrffindors alumni Bill, Charlie, Fred and George Weasley!

    mockery_anons to apply

    Be warned: Mockery is not for the faint of heart, the rigidly canon, or the wildly AU.


    Premise | Characters/PBs | Application | Vampires | Werewolves

    Most Wanted: Carlisle Cullen, Sam Uley, Irina, Volturi Members

    It's 2022, and a new generation of students is now attending Hogwarts.
    The world has evolved, the students have changed, and everything is different.
    Students are engaging in activities racier than ever, and at Hogwarts, we all know that anything can happen.
    Since the defeat of Voldemort, the Wizarding World and the Muggle World lived in a state of peaceful coexistence, but this will soon change.
    War is looming around the corner, and new evils will soon arise.
    Will you be there to witness this?
    More importantly, will you help in the war against the new dark wizards, or will you side with them?

    Hogwarts, The Next Generation... it goes there.

    Many characters are still open, including Scorpius Malfoy, Hugo Weasley, and the children of many of your favorite characters!

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    [info]tng_hogwarts | [info]tng_ooc

    Opening January 7th!

    Pitch x Rules x FAQ x App x Held x Ensemble x Contact/F-Button

    Horizons is a new X-Men game, which has many mature themes. Slash Friendly. Different and fun variety.

    PREMISE The story of the superhuman team known as the X-Men is long and complicated. There have been deaths, and rebirths, body switching and space travel. Characters have come and gone, new teams have formed, and the baddies have become the goodies. But how did it all begin?

    At the dawn of the silver age of mutation, Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier decided to band together in order to shelter young people, gifted just like themselves, from a world of prejudice. At the time, they both shared an ideal of mutants being able to coexist with the rest of society in peace. With these similar goals, they wished to give a sense of hope to the next generation. Using Xavier's ancesteral home, located at 1407 Greymalkin Lane, they planned to rescue and take care of those the world considered a growing problem--mutants. Remember, this is a time without cerebro, a time without the initial "Xavier's School for Higher Learning", without the danger room, and without the reputation of the famed X-Men. The basement is not yet covered in chrome. Field uniforms have not yet been sown. No, this is the very beginning. Charles and Erik are still great allies, where in the unjustified future, all of that could change. Their only goal now is to help individuals whom experience no control over their powers, with no desire to be what some would call a "freak". It is both men that wish to help these young adults know that being beyond the status of simply homo sapien is a godsend, a gift. Remaining at Xavier's, these adults whom most have graduated high school, are welcome to live. In an effort to control such talents, they would need to be under the watchful eyes of both Erik and Charles. The world does not yet know the name Magneto, does not yet fear the most renouned mutant terrorist that history will have to offer. There have been no threats to destroy the world, no celestial forces imposing themselves on adolescent girls. We take you back to a humbled beginning. Everything else is on the distant horizons.

    PLOT ROOM There are so many things we could do with our game, its really a top reason why you SHOULD join. Endless directions and sub plots. For sure we want to develop cerebro, the danger room, receive the X-Jet, Experience the break up of erik and charles, feel the birth of the Brotherhood of Evil, and feel the heat of the glory days, of the X-MEN! Lots of room for character plot, since we're stripping back down to their basic histories. Lots of options, loads of opportunities. play your favourite characters the way you want to see them played.

    WOULD LOVE TO HAVE Definitely MORE MALES!!!! ( Both Gay and Straight! ) Sean Cassidy, BANSHEE, Samuel Guthrie, CANNONBALL, Julian Keller, WITHER, Josh Foley, ELIXIR, Mortimer Toynbee, TOAD, Roberto DaCosta, SUNSPOT, Jason Wyngarde, MASTERMIND, Calvin Rankin, MIMIC, James Proudstar, THUNDERBIRD, and SO MANY MORE! Request a hold RIGHT NOW!!

    HORIZONS is a AU X-Men game, which is greatly influenced from both comic and movie aspects, but it is a medley of our own happenings. GAME HAS BEGUN!


    Premise | Rules |FAQ's | Master Character List | Taken Characters & PBs | Quidditch Roster
    Application | Contact List |Friend All

    Fallacy is a brand new AU Harry Potter game that takes place in Harry's seventh year. The war against Voldemort and his followers is over, having taken place during the summer, Voldemort being the one to fall at Harry Potter's hand. But not everything is as it appears to be and beneath the surface, something is brewing that will change the Wizarding World as we know it forever...

    We are set to begin on Saturday, January 5th, which translates to October 5th in game. We will be following in real time with school beginning on Monday, the 7th. Many major characters are still available including: Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Neville Longbottom, Zacharias Smith, Luna Lovegood, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Blaise Zabini, Hannah Abbott, Angelina Johnson, Sally-Ann Perks, Roger Davies, all other Weasley's save for Fred... and many more. Apply today!

    Discipline Fiction

    This is a group for fiction involving loving discipline. This can include spanking, grounding, corner time, removal of privileges, scolding, mouth-washing, etc.

    This is not a fetish community, nor is it for domestic discipline stories. It is strictly for fiction involving authority figures such as parents/guardians, teachers, etc. and their charges.

    Please refer to the user info for more details.
    themessengers Via fireandwater

    New celebrity game.

    Everyone wanted!

    Adds Daily!

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