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Monday, December 24th, 2007

    Time Event
    Highway to Hell - Panfandom RP

    The world is a dark place. Ghosts and demons exist and the Winchesters along with other hunters are out there taking them down without the world's knowledge. A few they come across learn the truth. To some these hunters are heroes, to some they are the enemy, and to others they are just plain insane.

    This rp is open to any character based in any fandom. There are no limits on the characters you can play if they are dead in canon (John and Mary, Denny, etc) feel free to play them as long as you come up with a back story on how they are alive again. However there can be only one of a character represented (IE - One Dean, One Sam, One Alec, One House, etc)

    // taken characters // rules // application // OOC Asylum //
    Online study of paranormal and spiritual experiences
    If you enjoy answering questionnaires, please consider taking part in a study of paranormal, religious, and spiritual experiences, being carried out online by researchers at the Experimental Psychology department of the University of Bristol, UK.

    If you have had one or more paranormal/supernatural, religious, or spiritual experiences (no matter how small or unexciting!) in your life, and you are over 16, you are eligible to take part. You don't necessarily have to be spiritual or religious, just to have had an experience that isn't easily explained by current science!

    The study involves filling in questionnaires at your leisure online, and takes less than 30 minutes in total. The study is *completely anonymous*. Not even your email address is required! If you take part, *please* complete a consent form and *all three* questionnaire forms (so four in total, see links below for more info) and answer all the questions.

    If you are interested in taking part in this study, which is fully endorsed by the University of Bristol's Ethics in Human Research Committee, please click one of the following links: (Just a note for people kind enough to have done this study before - it's only possible to do it once, but please pass the info on to friends! Thanks!)

    Consent form

    The above links to the consent form, which will shut down automatically on completion, so please note the addresses of the other forms in advance! They are at:
    First questionnaire
    Second questionnaire
    Third questionnaire

    More information at the study's journal:

    Contact the researcher at

    Current Mood: hopeful

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