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Friday, January 27th, 2006

    Time Event
    Join our Slash RPG on Greatestjournal
    [Picture Perfect is a Greatestjournal based slash RPG, mainly for alternative and rock musicians. It has been fully launched on March 15, 2005 with the intention to stay rather small.

    We are, however, trying to expand the game now and are looking for new players, as mentioned before preferably artists from the alternative and rock genre.
    A few things if you wish to join:

    *You must be over 18.
    *Since it is a slash rpg, don't bother looking if you're homophobic or have problems with homo- and bisexuality.
    *You have read and understand the disclaimer.

    At the moment we are looking particularly for musicians from the following bands )

    Interested? Brilliant. Check out the rules and get started. We are looking forward to playing with you! ]

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