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Fifth Avenue - Random Comm {IC}

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October 1st, 2011 @ 8:13pm

[ music | Iggy Pop - The Passenger ]

It's been a bloody long day at the tattoo paloir, but: we finally completed Jake's chest piece. Nothing like finishing a long term commission, if only I wouldn't always end up with a stiff back afterwards. I think I'm going to snatch Yvette and Iggy now to watch a movie and stuff my face with pineapple pizza.

I got the day off tomorrow and no plans yet. Anyone out there who wants to hang out?

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Customs are welcomed & loved | AllThatJagger [
October 1st, 2011 @ 12:43am

Yo, yo, yo my name is Alessandra, most call me Aless. I'm glad to be back in New York, can't handle Las Vegas anymore. Love that city, however, there is too much chaos there for me. New York? She treats me tenderly. If anyone is needing professional photograph done -- I am your girl. First photo shoot is free.

Now I just need one hell of a good coffee and bagel.
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October 1st, 2011 @ 1:06am

One more thing: Ladies, ladies, listen up!  I almost forgot! Today marks the start of a special month.  No, not because Halloween's at the end.  Not at all.  This is the month where we have to promote and raise breast cancer awareness!  This is something serious here!  The NFL and its players are doing their part to support you all.  We're wearing pink on our jerseys and/or helmet and wristbands and the like during our games.  That's not all!

I want make sure our efforts get heard, so I'm going the extra mile!  Being the nice guy that I am, I am going to help raise that awareness by signing autographs.  On women's chests.  The whole month of October!  Think of it as sort of like a non-profit fundraiser.  If you see me on the street, out somewhere -- anywhere -- ladies, just come on up and yank them bad babies out!  I'll sign 'em right there on the spot for you.  I'll even try and provide the pink ribbon for proof that you were signed.

This is probably going to get me killed.
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Customs are welcome, appreciated; AIM coming soon. [
October 1st, 2011 @ 12:56am

I hope everybody's had a better week than I have.  A little upset that I might not get to play this Sunday because I've practiced only once this week.  Damn neck has been bothering me.  And this flight to Arizona hasn't helped any.  The guys should be all right if I don't play, though I would love to be out there.  I'm Andon Russell of the New York Giants, if you didn't already know.  And it's possible, 'cause we don't all get recognition like the quarterbacks! That's why I get paid to kill 'em.

Please, somebody tell me you've had a good, pain-free week.
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September 29th, 2011 @ 9:19pm

What movies are playing this weekend? I just kind of wanna get out of the house. Anybody throwing a party?
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Can't think of a sn name [
September 28th, 2011 @ 11:28am

I'm Lynn Mack. I'm currently a dance instructor out in Queens and I also co-manage the place. I'd say it's one of my biggest accomplishments. What's one of yours?
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can't think of an aim name. [
September 28th, 2011 @ 12:13am

Hello. I'm Styx Santarelli-Spencer. 26 years old and married to the love of my life, AJ Spencer who I have two and a half children with. We're eagerly awaiting the birth of our newest one. New York born and raised, went to college in Georgia, medical school in Chicago then got home sick and came back to New York! That's pretty much my life in a nutshell, interesting isnt' it?

Now tell me something interesting about you.
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For Lordes [
September 27th, 2011 @ 7:05pm

So you have a kitten. Then I guess I'm going to have to take ~him~ back to the store.
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Danger Yvette [
September 25th, 2011 @ 8:36pm

I just realized that I have about thirty rolls of undeveloped film stuffed into folders in the corners of my bedroom. This is what happens when you ditch town for two weeks to drive to nowhere in particular and shoot the hell out of everything that moves (with a camera, not a gun). I feel like I removed myself from life and have come back to find out that a million years have passed and everything I know has changed.

Or maybe I've just had too much to drink tonight. That could be.

Anyway, I'm Yvette. Who're you and what have you done?
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