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[Jan 1st, 3:58am]

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[Dec 26th, 4:51pm]


Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire

Main Party Post )
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[Dec 22nd, 2:56pm]

Who: Mary MacDonald, Kingsley Shacklebolt
When: Tuesday Evening, December 22
What: Dinner and Belated Christmas Decorating.
Rating: PG-13
Where: Mary's Cottage
Status: Completed Log

Deck the halls never was really a favorite song. )
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RP Log: Raelyn Vector & Severus Snape [Dec 21st, 4:08pm]

Who: Severus Snape & Raelyn Vector
When: Afternoon; 21 December 1991.
Where: Hogwarts staff room.
What: Raelyn & Severus share conversation over hot cocoa.
Rating: Low.

She couldn't really remember the last time there had been an entirely normal Christmas season at Hogwarts - though this one was by far the worst in her experience. )
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[Dec 18th, 9:04pm]

Who: Hermione Granger, Ken Miller, Amanda Macmillan, Mary MacDonald
Where: Hogsmeade, The Christmas Fair
When: Friday Dec 18th, In the Aftermath of the Bombing
What: Injured students and an older Gryffindor to the rescue
Rating: PG-13 (Language and some violence)
Status: Completed Log

She still wasn't sure what had happened. )
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[Dec 18th, 9:24pm]

Infiltration placeholder.
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[Dec 18th, 9:06pm]

Who: Anyone involved!
Where: Hogsmeade
What: The Hogsmeade Fair
When: Friday
Logging: IC/OOC or logs.
Rating: TBA

The Hogsmeade Fair )
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[Dec 7th, 1:50pm]

Who: Students & Teachers either participating or cheering people on.
When: Monday, 09:00 (first class cancelled)
What: Sponsored Swim
Format: IC/OOC
Rating: PG

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