March 16th, 2010

[info]7thyearmod in [info]7thyear_post

Daily Prophe - September 3rd, 1997

Evening edition, September 3rd, 1997

Ministry Courts Attacked!
Muggleborn suspects freed from Ministry security, whereabouts unknown

by Dean Ingold

LONDON - Yesterday, a number of persons held under suspect of being magic-thieves escaped with the help of three unknown individuals. It is suspected that the infiltrators used illusions or charms to disguise themselves as Ministry officials to gain entrance and their true identities have not been revealed as of yet. The names of those whose identities were stolen have not been released to the press.

The three infiltrators reportedly broke into several administrative offices, stealing personal effects, though it is unclear if thefts were the reason for the break-in or a crime of convenience. Some time after the initial entry, the criminals interrupted court proceedings taking place in the Wizengamot Courtrooms and physically attacked Chairwoman Dolores Umbridge, who was conducting the trials. She was Stunned unconscious, but security measures already in places prevented further assault upon Ms Umbridge. The infiltrators then used the muggleborn suspects in the area to create a diversion for their escape, freeing as many as 15 suspects in the process.

It is reported that one of the infiltrators was able to cast a Patronus in the form of a stag. Anyone with information on the true identity of this person should contact MLE officials immediately.

May 2010

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