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Sunday, January 6th, 2008

    Time Event
    New Thing #1
    Cooked an elaborate dinner with a friend, and trusted my ability to do so. :-D

    Found out I truly enjoy cooking for other people. ;-D
    Day one of week two.....
    I learned something new today. I didn't actually experience it myself...but knowledge is power as someone said.

    One of my friends shared the experiences she and her family had while attending the recent Iowa caucuses. Very interesting stuff... I had very little knowledge of how one actually works. Here is what she wrote:

    I've summarized the following entry for those who don't feel like reading:....
    All attendees stand in groups by candidate. People from other candidate groups can try to persuade you to join their group which can cause candidates without enough delegates to become disqualified. The American caucuses are won by those candidates with supporters who have powerful powers of persuasion...fact.

    Full text...Read more... )

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