Adding a bit of Element flavor

August 19th, 2007

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Two aspects for your prompts


August 19th, 2007

Mod Post: A question

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As the big activity boom of before school starts is starting to fade, and my hours at the second job are being trimmed due to my school job it took me a bit to catch up on the few requests given during my frantic time out and about. I apologize to those who were waiting for a response and any questions I may have not seen due to email notifications being a bit wonky. (Fault of my email and not IJ as my email keeps placing those notifications in spam and deleting them.)

But in a series of comments on the claim post I got to thinking and would like to offer a bit of a poll. (I'd do an actual poll but this mod is not net savvy enough for such fancy things.)

Would people be interested in being allowed to do collaborations on a claimed set?

If there is enough of a positive response on such would you prefer I make a sister asylum for such prompts and transfer the prompts from here over to there? Make up new prompts?(that might take a bit though unless you all are willing to help out and volunteer your brains to make new tables) Or would you just like a rule or statement added to this asylum to allow collaboration claims and thus resulting rules on such added to the general rules of this place?

Also just in case I didn't place it anywhere in my myriad of links, which I'll comb to see and add where appropriate. I do allow threesomes and multipartner pairings so long as you do not focus on one part of the group.

For example if you claim Sephiroth/Cloud/Tifa you have to involve all three in each of your prompts. If you started having most of your prompts just about Cloud/Tifa, Sephiroth/Cloud, or Sephiroth/Tifa then you would lose your prompt as it would be not about the OT3 but about an OTP with a side of OT3 and that would not be fair to those who claimed that pairing as you'll be pretty much doing the same claim as they are under a different disguise.

Also in case I didn't clarify this as well. Those who claim a group or a series in general you will also lose your claim if it is seen you are focusing only on a certain group in the series. Like if someone were to do a Harry Potter, Gryffindor Tower as a claim. Do not just focus on the Golden Trio. There are more Gryffs then that and I expect to see such reflected in your writing.

And those who claim a singular person. You can have pairings in prompts but do not focus on one pairing for multiple prompts as that is also doing what claiming a threesome and just having one character be a cameo in some prompts. Though mostly with single character prompts I expect to see more prompts dealing with the character and their growth into what they became in the series or what they could become after their series and such.

Thank you all who've read this dribble of your Mod. And thanks in advance to those who will give their opinion on collaborations as well as their suggestions for such.


Your Mod you really needs to get a Mod icon or something.

The Hidden Room (Harry Potter, Percy, Earth #39)

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Title: The Hidden Room
Characters: Percy, Ron
Theme Set and #: Earth; #39 Memory
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Harry Potter isn't mine; I don't make any money off this stuff.
Summary: Percy used to tell them stories about the Burrow.

Link: The Hidden Room
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