
November 8th, 2014

November 8th, 2014

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Who: Morgan and Simon
Where: The apartment above Avalon
When: Week 8; Late Wednesday night
Status: Closed/In Progress
Rating: TBD

It had been almost two weeks since the disastrous visit to see River and Simon had been avoiding Morgan ever since. At first he was angry at everything. Angry that his parents had let his sister go to that school, angry at being caught and sold, and furious that the man that called himself Rivers master had touched her in such a way. But what made him the angriest of all was that there was nothing he could do about it. It was all perfectly legal. He knew it had been stupid to lash out and hit Giles. But after his sister had told him what had happened it was like he wasn't thinking straight. River was the only family he had left. He needed to protect her.

As the days passed the anger subsided a little though it was still there. But shame had crept in as well. He knew that Morgan was upset with him and was probably completely embarrassed. He was surprised though that he found himself caring. It shouldn't matter that he embarrassed his master. After all he was the man who bought and paid for a living person. But then again Morgan had never once treated him like a slave. If anything he was more of a roommate to the fae and he paid his way by working down in Avalon.

Tonight he found himself sitting at the kitchen table, unable to sleep. A cup of tea long gone cold sat in front of him untouched. Morgan was down at the club though he would probably be back up soon. Sighing softly to himself, he folded his arms on the table and rested his head ontop of them, wanting the conflicting thoughts and feelings to just stay silent for at least a few short hours.
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