
August 26th, 2014

August 26th, 2014

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WHO: Hermes and Alcuin
WHEN: Week 4; Thursday - Midday
WHERE: Jannati City; Scott McCall's apartment
WHAT: Sometimes home is a person and not a place
STATUS: In progress

And I am feeling so small. It was over my head. I know nothing at all )

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WHO: Spike & Willow
WHEN: Week 4, Monday after nightfall
WHERE: Asal, outside Styx and Stones
WHAT: Not at all being Stalkery
STATUS: closed, in-progress
Hey there Little Red Riding Hood,You sure are looking good.You're everything a big bad wolf could want. )

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WHO: Noctis and Nasir
WHEN: Week 4. Monday. Lunch time.
WHERE: Kostya's house
WHAT: Noctis and Nasir talk take two
STATUS: In-progress
Huh. Toothless. I coulda sworn you had... ...teeth. )

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WHO: Zell and OPEN
WHEN: Week 4. Monday. Afternoon.
WHERE: Kahmr State Park
WHAT: Zell is looking to get rid of some energy because getting drunk didn't help
STATUS: In-progress
I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now. )

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WHO: Elena and OPEN
WHEN: Week 4. Sunday. Afternoon.
WHERE: Jannati's farmers market
WHAT: Elena sneaks off of the estate
STATUS: In-progress
Something tells me college isn't in my future anymore. )
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