
August 11th, 2014

August 11th, 2014

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Who: Magnus and Alec
Where: Magnus' home
When: Week 3. Tuesday, Mid morning
What: Alec goes to see Magnus about this favor he owes his master.
Rating: TBD
Status: In-complete

Insert witty saying here )

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Who: Scott and Hermes
When: Week 3, Monday afternoon
Where: Jannati
Rating: Fairly low
Status: Closed/In Progress

Read more... )

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Who: Hermes and Carrick
Where: Carrick's Estate
When: Week 3. Friday-Saturday (very late night, early morning)
What: Hermes has survived a very trying ordeal, but only barely
Rating: High, tw for mentions and likely descriptions of torture an attempt will be made to keep them less graphic
Status: In-complete//closed

I will burn for you, feel pain for you. I will twist the knife and bleed my aching heart, and tear it apart )

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Who: Dante Razin and OPEN
Where: Bar in Jannati
When: Week 3, Wednesday Night
Rating: SFW
Status: OPEN; In-progress
Journey, Aerosmith, Eagles, Alice Cooper, and Ozzy Osborn )
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