
July 10th, 2014

July 10th, 2014


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Who: Tabitha and Evan
Where: Evan's new home
When: Week 1. Monday, mid-morning.
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Anger is just anger. It isn't good. It isn't bad. It just is. What you do with it is what matters. It's like anything else. You can use it to build or to destroy. You just have to make the choice. )

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Who: Jace and Lexi
Where: Out and About in Jannati City
When: Week 1 - Monday afternoon
Rating: R for language
Status: in progress

If his master had any say beer would become one of the basic food groups. )

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WHO: Magnus, Alec, Dante, and Keara
WHEN: Week 1, Friday afernoon
WHERE: Dante's house
WHAT: It's a play date for their new pets
RATING: Probably pg
STATUS: Closed - in progress

Time to take the kids to play )

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Who: Mitch and Trista
Where: Mitch's apartment
When: Week 1, Friday, 2 pm
What: Trista's made an appointment with Mitch to get all purdy
Rating: PG - 13 due to Mitch's language
Status: Closed; In-progress
You better work! Work it girl! )

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Who: Phinean and Russell
Where: Kahmr Preserve
When: Week 1 - Tuesday morning, just before sunrise
Rating: TBD
Status: in progress/Closed

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