December 25th, 2007

07:57 pm

This is my statement of intent for the community, and also my first word count!

I have several roleplay characters, and I do all of my roleplaying in journal comments. My rp partners and I all update our journals regularly, in addition to writing our scenes, so I thought that I would use that writing for this challenge. I know that I write quite a bit with my characters, and I'd like to see just how much I'm able to do in a year.

With that said, this is what I've managed so far, since December 1st. I'm really rather proud of it! I should probably also add that this is what I've written when I've been very busy with Christmas shopping, extra end-of-the-year hours at work, and spending more time away from my writing than usual.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
10,902 / 350,000