August 19th, 2007

12:44 pm
[info]trio: Sharing Again

I'm happy about my word-count... really happy, and I just wanted to share where it's at now.


08:44 pm
[info]chichirinoda: Word Count post

I likely won't be doing this daily, but once in a while when I think of it XD

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
5,472 / 350,000

And just because I can, here's my Novel in 90 as well, since there is no Ni90 here and I'm SO CLOSE OMG

Zokutou word meter
67,667 / 67,500

(Holy crap, that is close. I think I'll write another 1000 words tonight and get it DONE)

Edited later with the updated wordcount meters! Woooooo!