The Last 333 Days

December 20th, 2010

The Last 333 Days


December 20th, 2010

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who: Hyacinth and Grover Goyle
what: showing her how to use tools
where: their house, Cardiff
when: Monday December 20, early evening
rating: TBD

It was a slow day at the office, so Goyle was able to leave the Ministry a little earlier than usual. And after her comment about him being gone so much, he was glad of it. That was something he needed to discuss with her, and he decided to do it when he showed her how to work with tools. And that was something else he needed to talk to her about. Goyle felt badly, because he didn't want to seem like he was attacking his wife, so he had a feeling it would come out that way.

After arriving home, he went immediately to the bedroom to change his clothes - something he did everyday. He preferred to dress comfoetably when he was in his home, so when he finally went to greet his wife and son, he was wearing very comfy dark cotten pants, a casual long-sleeved shirt, and his slippers.

"It was a slow day," Goyle told her as he walked over to her. "So they said I could leave early."

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WHO: Dianna and Graham
WHAT: Dianna tries to ease her guilt
WHERE: Nott Manor
WHEN: Monday Night

At least she could make herself feel better for a few hours. )
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