25 Moments

About Recent Entries

Admin: update Sep. 1st, 2009 @ 08:22 pm
Hey everyone! I'm glad to see the community is still in use. I'm going to try to start going back to archive. I apologize for disappearing, but life has been crazy since January and I'll sometimes remember to check the livejournal version of 25moments, and forget this one. I'm really sorry.

Everyone should be added to the participant's list now. If you want to crosspost to lj, that's fine. However, we have to approve you for posting - to keep out spammers - so you'd have to be a member.
Current Mood: melancholy

Posting Rules Apr. 24th, 2008 @ 11:33 am
Feel free to post your stories here in entirety or to just use the header and link to your own journal (or wherever you post your story).

The Subject:

Title of Story (Rating) by Author

The Body:

Please use the following text box.


On your first post, I will create a tags for your username and any fandoms/pairings. In the future, please try to use the tags that are there already as we go.

If you have any questions, please let me know.
Tags: ,

Participants Feb. 1st, 2008 @ 04:24 pm
Below is a list of participants and the links to their tables. To sign up, please check out this post. Remember: There is no claiming of a specific pairing/fandom with this challenge, so the fic tables could end up filled with fanfiction in many fandoms, or be all for one fandom/pairing.

Onto the participants... )
Current Location: work
Current Mood: calm
Current Music: "Faster, Faster" Bree Sharp

Sign up post Oct. 8th, 2007 @ 04:31 pm
[info]25moments is now officially opened.

Signing up is very easy! There is no claiming and no due dates.

1. Copy the prompt table from here into your own journal.

2. Comment to this post with the following -
Link to your table:


Rules will follow for posting the stories to the community!
Current Location: work
Current Mood: calm

Prompt Table Oct. 6th, 2007 @ 08:26 pm
At long last here is the prompt table for the community.

1. Scars 2. Vacation 3. Jealousy 4. Life or Death 5. Music
6. Kiss 7. Sated 8. Hunger 9. Drunk 10. Moment of Clarity
11. Weather 12. Pain 13. Comfort 14. Tattoo 15. Making up
16. Food 17. Drink 18. Bed 19. Blood 20. Betrayal
21. Trust 22. Five senses 23. Memories 24. Time of Day 25. Kissing in the rain

The code for the table is here

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