
Frequently asked question?

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Frequently asked question?

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Okay, maybe not frequently. But I know I’ve seen it asked.

“Why do the Hunters keep rebuilding Zero?”

They don’t.

I can think of only three occasions when major changes/repairs are made to Zero. The Hunters don’t do any of them.

1. Red Irregular to Hunter. I think I’ve said this before, but I’ll repeat it for this topic. The Compendium says when Sigma brought him in, he showed no sign of being Irregular. It doesn’t say the Hunters did anything to him. He was simply sane by the time he got there. (Or not just sane; the standard description of Zero is that he has a strong sense of justice.)

Why Sigma brought him back alive at all is a slightly different question. It’s a case of Sigma’s personal preferences, not organizational bias.

2. X1 to X2. After Zero blows himself up in X1, he’s rebuilt by Sagess. X captures the pieces from the Counter Hunters, and by the time the Hunters get the parts, there’s only minor assembly required.

3. X5 to X6. (Being asked for my X6 notes is what made me think of this topic.) It’s not clear how Zero recovers from being blown in half at the end of X6. He says himself he doesn’t know if it was auto repair or someone else’s doing. I would guess it was probably Isoc. But it certainly wasn’t the Hunters.

Asking why only Zero gets rebuilt is like asking why only X gets parts. Yes, he has an unfair advantage, but it’s not within the Hunters.
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