April 7th, 2008

[info]bardicrper in [info]1x1_roleplay


Name: Liz

Platform: willing to try e-mail, IM, journal, or forum
Plays: open to just about anything
Position: not sure - I think I'd probably tend towards the more submissive types, but I'm willing to try challenging myself. Or perhaps the relationship could be more egalitarian, or not romantic in nature at all... really, I'm pretty open on this at this point.
Rating: I'm pretty much okay with PG-13 and lower - I'd need to work up to NC-17, I think
Type: Probably character-interaction oriented, though I'm open to trying (almost) anything once... try me
Tense and POV: Probably third person past tense, though as long as it's not second person I'm willing to try it out

Things I don't want in a partner or roleplay: I tend to be a laid-back sort of person, and while it's fine to have conflict between characters, I'm not one for OOC conflict and arguments
Things I want in a partner or roleplay: someone who's willing to have fun and put up with the mistakes I might make being new to this branch of online roleplay

Strengths: I'm rather flexible and laid-back, open to trying new things, and have some experience in tabletop gaming. I also like to think of myself as rather literate.
Weaknesses: I'm not quite sure of myself as far as roleplaying solely online, particularly freeform, yet. And my schedule is odd - it goes from waaay too much free time, how ever shall I fill it all?, to practically no free time, often with little or no warning - hopefully I'll get a regular job and it will settle sometime soon, though probably into a busier sort of schedule, but until then...

Fandoms: Original, Greyhawk, Harry Potter, and Star Wars mainly, at the moment, though I could be talked around to others if I happen to be familiar with them... check the interests in my user profile for more ideas, though I can't guarantee I'll be able to roleplay from any of them, or that it is a comprehensive list of everything I could RP

Favorite Themes and Genres: fantasy/speculative fiction, though that's a broad category. Changing and developing relationships - not necessarily romantic ones, though I don't have an objection to those (unless they happen to squick me)

Disliked Themes and Genres: anything too gory or squick-y (ie incestuous and/or underage sexual relationships)

Interested in at the moment: Having some fun and trying out one on one roleplaying. Of course, if you really want to know, there's a post in my journal with ideas of things that occurred to me and seemed interesting. But I'm pretty much open to suggestion at the moment.

Sample Post:

More sample posts are available within entries for possible characters at my journal )

Comments/Last Words: I'm noticing now that most of the characters I've made up as possibilities tend to be somewhat the wanderers - probably a habit of my tabletop gaming. I'm reasonably sure I can manage non-nomadic characters as well (and might even prefer them), but I wonder if such less nomadic characters might be better created with at least some idea of the partner with whom I would play them, so that the choice of location does not become overly dictatorial...

Contact Information

  1. AIM:
  2. bardicrper
  3. YIM:
  4. bardicroleplayer
  5. Other:
  6. comment here or in my journal
  7. Email:
  8. bardicroleplayer at yahoo dotcom

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